The #HuhChallenge is Just an Excuse to Bully People

Roasting has made it's way from late nights in Comedy Central to the internet and has taken Twitter and Snapchat by storm, thanks to the newest "trend" dubbed the #huhchallenge .

The #HuhChallenge is Just an Excuse to Bully People

What is the "#huhchallenge", you ask?

Right, becuase there's not enough drama in school already. Teens in schools across the globe are back at it again with this challenge, in which they take short videos of their peers, calling them out on something embarrassing in demeaning way ("My name is <insert their name here>, and I <insert roast here>), whether it be about something embarrassing they did, weight, flat butt, or acne. After dishing out the roast, they then end it with an obnoxious "huhhhhhhhhhhhh?"

The trend was started from a video in September on Danial Barbar's Twitter account, which then preceeded to go viral for being the first ever #huhchallenge roast. His work then inspired teens to get out there and roast their friends, enemies, parents, teachers, and even pets. Nobody is safe from the sheer terror.

While most of these roasts are in good fun, some of these take it way too far, and become rude and offensive with derogatory terms mean insults. They just become excuses to bully someone, for the sake of completing yet another dumb internet "challenge" that cool kids like to take a part in.

Many teens are surprise-roasting everyone they come across, then taking the videos and putting them together in complication videos and uploading them to social media.

The #HuhChallenge is Just an Excuse to Bully People

According to PACER's bullying statistics, one in four students admit to being bullied each year, and many of these kids experience depression and aren't during their best in school academically. "Challenges" like these don't really help change those numbers, especially when this challenge is done to be an asshole and to look cool on the internet. Being rude to your peers and posting it online in front of the entire world to see can really take it's toll on those you decide to roast.

The #HuhChallenge is Just an Excuse to Bully People

Being a victim of bullying myself, I feel like many of the people participating in this challenge are doing it to be rude, and to gain validation from strangers online. This can be seen with many of the things they decide to roast people on (i.e. Glasses, flat butts, weight, etc.). Unfortunately for them, their intent is being seen by many, and teens have called out the people who are taking it too far on Twitter:

The #HuhChallenge is Just an Excuse to Bully People
The #HuhChallenge is Just an Excuse to Bully People
The #HuhChallenge is Just an Excuse to Bully People

And Twitter has taken action by suspending the first and original account dedicated to posting these roasts:

The #HuhChallenge is Just an Excuse to Bully People

Just remember, if you decide to take part in this challenge, please be smart, and think about how your actions can affect those involved. In other words, let the other party give consent, and keep the roasts friendly because bullying is just the asshole thing to do.

What do you think about the #huhchallenge? Is it cool, trendy, or just downright stupid?

The #HuhChallenge is Just an Excuse to Bully People
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