4 Ways to Get Over Your First Love and Move On

4 Ways to Get Over Your First Love and Move On

So I know you may be thinking this is impossible. And trust me, I know why you're thinking this. My first love made it almost impossible for me to get over him as well. It was horrible. I thought about him every day and every night. I cried for days thinking about him and how I thought I was never going to truly love anyone else again. BUT THEN, I decided that it was time. It was time for me to let my heart heal. And while these next few things I am going to talk about may not work for everyone, they have worked for me.

So while I am STILL not completely over my ex boyfriend, I feel better and I have moved on. I don't cry anymore. So before I keep talking and going on and on, here's how I moved on.

1) Get a job

Being stuck at home isn't fun. It allows you the time to think about your ex love and be depressed about it. When you're at home all the time, you have more ways of being reminded of them. Of course, this makes you miss them and makes you remember all of the good times you had together. Whether it's a song you hear on TV, or a scene from a movie you watched together, there will always be something that will remind you of them.

You need to keep yourself busy and stay away from all of the things that will keep this person fresh in your mind. Getting a job helped me so much! I am happier now and, I am even making money! What's better than that? I'm meeting and interacting with so many new people and really learning that there are OTHER PEOPLE OUT THERE! and that's leads me into number two.

4 Ways to Get Over Your First Love and Move On

2) Meet new people!

While at work, I meet so many new people! I am constantly surrounded by new faces and I have a job at hand! I don't have time to be sad and depressed and think about my ex anymore. Every now and then I still think about him, but I don't hurt anymore. I have learned to accept the fact that things just weren't working out and that it is better this way. If you aren't interested in any of your coworkers, you never know when some cutie might come into work and you'll really hit it off with them!

And if you don't have a job and aren't planning on getting one anytime soon, that's fine, too! Go hang out with your friends. Go to a club if you're old enough, or just go out and have a good time with them at a movie or dinner or something else exciting. This will take your mind off of your ex as well. There are so many new faces you haven't seen, I promise. You need to laugh and have fun and get out of the house.

4 Ways to Get Over Your First Love and Move On

3) Cut communications and delete pictures

This is a big one! If you're a believer that exes can be friends, than that's perfectly fine. If you think you will be able to move on from your ex while still communicating with them, so be it. But for most people, staying in touch and having that constant reminder makes it harder. Keeping the pictures is like keeping all of the icing on top of a cake. It tastes so good but it's actually really bad for you.

In order to successfully move on, delete those pictures! If you don't want to permanently delete them, send them to yourself in an email, and save them in a file! If you still want to be friends with them, tell them that the breakup is hard on you and you hope you can be friends when it hurts a little less.

4 Ways to Get Over Your First Love and Move On

4) You must stay strong

Don't try to keep in touch with them, and don't look at their Facebook pictures or their Instagram profile! Because some people move on quickly. If they have a new lover, you're only hurting yourself more. You need to stay clear of everything that will remind you of them. You need to allow your heart to heal. Believe me, it will take time! DO NOT EXPECT TO MOVE ON WITHIN A WEEK OR EVEN A MONTH, because it may take longer than that! Dont set your standards too high because you might be upset with the results.

4 Ways to Get Over Your First Love and Move On

Remind yourself that you are an amazing person and someone new will come into your life when you least expect it. Someone who will hopefully fall in love with you and realize your imperfections and still remain by your side through it all. Because believe me, it will happen! And when it does, you will forget all about your last ex lover like they never even mattered to you. And you'll finally be happy and be able to smile everyday ☺️

4 Ways to Get Over Your First Love and Move On

There is a reason why it didn't work out! When you allow your heart to heal, you'll open it to someone else who will treat you better! And you'll be glad it didn't work out them your first love!

4 Ways to Get Over Your First Love and Move On
4 Ways to Get Over Your First Love and Move On
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