How I Got Over My Ex


This is going to be a pretty short Take, but I am going to share something personal which I feel may help other people.

My ex and I were together for 3 years, you would imagine the heartbreak I had when he told me that he wants to end the relationship... It took a while to get over him but something I did made things quicker and much less painful.

During my relationship, I kept a diary

How I got over my ex

I'm aware that keeping a diary isn't for everyone... But hear me out.

I wrote daily, something I did before the relationship too, I just like to keep a diary.

I colour coded my diary

Normally I wrote in black. However when and if my partner did something that really upset me that day or soemthing I found very out of place, I went into FULL detail (The situation and my current emotions and feelings at that time) and wrote it out in red.

How I Got Over My Ex

How did this help?

After the breakup it is not unusual that all we tend to think about is the good parts of the relationsip. We tend to ignore any negatives and start to miss what went well. We tend to glamorise the relationship and forget about all the reasons it didn't work out in the first place! - we miss the positive memories and emotions we were feeling.

My diary made the breakup process quicker and less painful:

After the breakup I went to read over my dairy. Of course, not every word or paragraph, or day. But instead I read through ALL the red writing, all of it. I reminded myself of all the red flags I had ignored because I was "in love" with my partner. I overlooked so many things I probably shouldn't have. Sometimes while I was reading through I even thought well damn, I should have ended our relationship there and then! - I did this as often as I needed to (every time I felt I missed him).

This was my way of getting over my ex. I still write a diary today and will continue to do so. I enjoy writing and a diary feels very personal to me. Something like "me time".

This is my first Take so please be kind :)

Thank you for taking the time to read this Take


How I Got Over My Ex
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