Would you have visited your ex in the hospital?

I was watching part of this video where two exes got to ask each other questions with a lie detector. It seems towards the end of their relationship the two had been going at it on social media back and forth until they ended it. Sometime after this couples break up, the woman was riding her horse when it freaked out and she basically threw herself off the horse at high speed causing some type of temporary brain injury/memory loss. All she could really remember at the time according to doctors were bits and pieces of things including her ex which she was asking for in hospital. The woman's boss called her ex, told him she was in hospital and would he come see her, and he literally said to the boss, why are you calling me, we broke up, bye. He said to her with the lie detector that he didn't know how bad it was, and that he thought that she wouldn't want to see him, despite the boss telling him she was asking for him, and that he did regret that.

What would you have done? Would you visit a recent ex in the hospital in that situation, or once you break up, it's over, you're done with them and their life, and you would have done the same thing he did.
I would have visited the ex in the hospital knowing they were asking for me
I would have hung up, and not visited the ex in the hospital
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Would you have visited your ex in the hospital?
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