"I'd just like you to know something. I'm so tired of you immature $hit. Everyday I wake up to something new. First you're too immature to say hi in person then its facebook and then its deleting every single evidence of us existing on facebook or even trying to have some type of real friendship (I can see you and Lauren are very happy as friends now) and I just want you to know I don't want you calling me in a few weeks I don't want to be friends with you I just hope you go away just like you've tried so hard to make me go away. I'm sorry you are so bitter about everything but I hope you are happy with the way you've dealt with things after."
It came out of no where. I still love the girl but she has no idea how hard it has been on me. The break up was her idea and she did it because she felt like she was forcing the relationship and was no longer willing to sacrifice time for me. I asked her to leave me alone a couple of times because its the only way we could become friends/me get over it. Lauren and I never hang out but my ex gets jealous because she use to be my best friend before my ex. What does this text mean? Should I contact her or just keep ignoring her?
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