So a few days ago there was a shooting in the subway in the city near me. My ex messaged me a few days later asking if I’m ok and all. She then apologized for reaching out and said it’s ok if I block her. Along with thanking me for my support.
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She might still have feelings for you
I think so. But she's with another guy now, but in my opinion she's not happy with him, based off what she's told me, and what she's posted about it. Maybe its like a she is subconsciously drawn to me, and knows the new guy ain't good for her. But consciously she can't break from him just yet
Then what are you waiting for make the first move..& get her... . only if You still got feelings for her..
I mean, I don't want to push too much, especially since she's with someone now. Granted he's the rebound after me, but still
Well, if you're curious, we called other night. She revealed she left him a few weeks ago, and absolutely hates his guts now. At best neglected her, at worst borderline abused her. It ruined the idea of a relationship for her. at least for now, but she also did absent mindedly call me babe. And seems that she definitely still has feelings for me, but is iffy on the ideas of relationships following her prick of an ex