No don't whatever you had to say was said the moment you've broke up.
Adding fuel to the fire isn't going to fix anything.
In all my experience with dating i always wanted to say something after it but i didn't because it's done. And i don't think doing this will prove me right or will help me in some way. Probably was going to damage me more then the other person.
Because this leads to conversation neither wants.
Just point that anger and energy somewhere else. Let some steam out. Do something for yourself.
Wether you are hurt, damaged, left with nothing, and your doing your best to stay strong. Know you aren't alone in it. And keep on fighting and becoming better not to prove to them but to yourself that you deserve only the best.
Struggling after break up is tough i know. But don't be so hard on yourself it's not something you deserve.00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- +1 y
After two weeks without contact there is only one way to move & forward is the way to go & moving on is the way to go as well.
00 Reply
- +1 y
I personally convey how I feel - anger (but not aggression) means you still care enough to expect something, at least a human relationship (which I consider obligatory since otherwise given 10 years of life you will alienate everyone around yourself)
00 Reply
- +1 y
You’ll move on faster without interacting. Just let it be, let him wonder if he made the right decision.
10 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- +1 y
Honestly just better to leave him alone and don’t reply back if he text you. Complete ignorance should be punishing enough in itself.
10 Reply 388 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. He is my ex. Why would I want to give him that satisfaction. Just block & totally ignore him.
10 Reply2.3K opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. Just makes u look petty
29 Reply- Asker+1 y
What would be more effective?
If your ex just ignores and deletes you, or sends an angry text saying to stay out of her life? - Asker+1 y
But what if you ended on good terms
- Asker+1 y
The thought of how he wasn't serious
+1 yThen again it will make u look petty yes your angry about it but sending that just makes u look crazy as this is stuff that should have been addressed before and even then this is thoughts in your head not somthing he will understand which will just lead to him even more thinking your crazy
- Asker+1 y
Ok makes sense.
I deleted him on all social media so be won't expect that - +1 y
if they block you, and stop initiating contact whatsoever and show that they don't care or have a damn in the world or even give a f*** about you or anything to do with you or your life.
- +1 y
Never. The moment he's an ex all contact must be cut.
00 Reply 339 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. that's nothing. what I did was call her parents to tell them what a whore her daughter is.
00 Reply- +1 y
What do u have to be angry
02 Reply- Asker+1 y
I've calmed down now lol
- +1 y
Nice lol! I have gone through the same thing lmao! I get this
373 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. the opposite of love is indifference so i voted b
011 Reply- Asker+1 y
Explain 🙂
- Asker+1 y
- Asker+1 y
But what if you ended on good terms
- Asker+1 y
Because I feel annoyed about how he wasted my time😂
Or shall I let it be? By the way I randomly deleted him on social media anyway so he won't expect that - +1 y
Sorry to jump in but i think you’re gonna be wasting more time being angry at me lmao
- +1 y
@clalinesuu either way the best thing to do is to let it go
- +1 y
Oops i meant “being angry at him” lmao yupp
- +1 y
@clalinesuu its alright... i guessed thats what you meant ;)
- +1 y
if you want to look like a maniac sure
10 Reply - +1 y
Foolish. Maintain your no contact forever.
00 Reply 319 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. Why both, they're an ex.
00 ReplyNah, it's pointless.
00 Reply2.3K opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. No it’s OK
00 Reply531 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. don't bother.
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)+1 y
For what purpose?
00 Reply - +1 y
I don't do it
00 Reply
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