My ex finds ways to insult me on social media?

So my ex and I dated and split 3 years ago. It was a nasty breakup. Prior to us breaking up I had suspicions he was dating someone else. He denied it of course and we havenr spoken since. He has me blocked and I hear his fiance blocked me on social media she has done this to his other female friends too. When he writes a romantic post about her he always finds a way to make it about insulting me. You wouldn't know it unless you know how he operates. When we were friends on FB I had a feeling but thought I was over thinking it. Then mutual friends would send me stuff saying they thought he was insulting me while gushing about his fiance. I cannot message him through social media but its gotten to the point where he is blatantly insulting me and a lot of people keep bringing this up. How can I get him to stop because I am uncomfortable with him disrespecting me especially since he cheated and does it all while gushing about his fiance? Thanks in advance
My ex finds ways to insult me on social media?
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