I know its not a good habit and is toxic but was wondering if it goes both ways. I got like over 2k followers wonder if my man stalks my list too. would be tiring if so. I rlly need to stop looking at my exes list its just depressing
- Anonymous(45 Plus)9 mo
Try not to. If it's over it's over. I try to leave the past in the past. But if you feel there's unfinished business you might. Like for example I had a woman that used me. Finally one day I woke up and found my self respect and ended it with her. She stalked me for the next 2 years. I didn't want her back. Nor did I necessarily wish any ill of her (she was toxic, ill of her was inevitable). But the only reason I kept tabs on her was I wanted her to see me keep rising.
06 Reply- Asker9 mo
: ( he broke up with me for what felt like nothing. I was so happy with him. I thought he was happy too. how can you break up with someone and say that you really really liked them but liking someone is sometimes not enough. : (
- Opinion Owner9 mo
The overall bad outweighs the overall good.
The woman I was with was very deep. But it was all an act. She had superpowers. But she used her powers for evil. She did not know how to have a healthy relationship. She only knew how to play the part to exploit the guy she was with.
I'm not saying that's your case. But sometimes even though you love someone you have to let them go. Because the relationship will NEVER be healthy. - Asker9 mo
he said he didn't feel understood or heard : ( He was going through such a hard time and I was there every step of it. And he lit came out of the hard time the day he broke up with me. Thanked me for my support. But now im in that hard time and where is he? :(
- Opinion Owner9 mo
No way to know for certain. Maybe he didn't feel heard. Maybe you both just didn't have the right chemistry to make it work. If you can HONESTLY say you made every effort then don't worry about it. Recover, and move on. And DON'T take him back if he changes his mind.
The woman I'm talking about wants me back in her life. But not so bad she wants to change anything about herself. She doesn't value me. She values what I brought to her life. - Asker9 mo
yeah if she doesn't want to change then she doesn't want to be back in ur life fr. He told me I talked over him and I changed that about myself. But then slowly I started doing it again. That's why he broke up with me. I explained to him 1. I wish he told me I was doing that again and 2. that its hard to tell when the conversation naturally ends on FaceTime. but he's like no u do know. : ( I really liked him. I don't know why I would speak over him sometimes. I really think it was just bc we would talk on the phone. We only ever met once in person but called on FaceTime 5 months.
- Asker9 mo
I think I was just lonely he was the only one I talked to. I isolated myself from everyone else. so I would be SOOO excited to talk to him and only him. I blocked all the other guys I ever talked to. Closed all the doors. I was head over heels for him. He said the same thing about his ex how he didn't feel understood or heard
Most Helpful Opinions
- Anonymous(45 Plus)9 mo
Hell no. Once we’re done we’re done. She’s none of my business anymore.
00 Reply
703 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. i'd rather do other things with my time. and not go through every single person my partner is following or who is following him. seems so tiring.
00 Reply
- 9 mo
Girl, don't waste your precious time stalking that ex. He's an ex for a reason. Time to focus on yourself. ❤
07 Reply- Asker9 mo
I know he broke up with me during a really hard time for me. I was there when he was going through that same kind of hard time and helped him so much. now im there and im alone :( just hurts
- 9 mo
I wish I was there to hug you! I hope you feel better soon.. ❤ You know, it will only hurt for now. Soon enough, you will find someone who treats you better.
- Asker9 mo
thank you : ( its been almost 2 months now. we only talked for 5 months :(
- Asker9 mo
how do people bounce back fast
- 9 mo
Since he was the one who dumped you, replace him. He will be the one stalking you now.. 😜
- Asker9 mo
lol ur right but I gotta get through this hump rn before I start anything new :( thats what sucks I can't go hot girl shit yet gotta wait 4 more months (its complicated)
- 9 mo
I see, just keep the focus on yourself girl. ❤ The longer you stalk him, the longer he will stay on your mind. Always remember you are too beautiful to be stressed out! 😘
What Girls & Guys Said
Deactivate Instagram for some time if you need to but don't stalk your ex's following, it's not healthy.
11 Reply- Asker9 mo
yeah I keep deleting insta then getting it back :( going to go all over the top for my mom for mothers day and was gonna post it
- 9 mo
I don't
00 Reply - 9 mo
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