Unsure whether it's up to me (26F) to reach out to my ex-boyfriend (35M) or if he should be. Advice?

So my ex broke up with me in November 2020. He was extremely upset and cried a lot. I sort of could see the break up coming as things were stressful around that time period and I myself, a few times over the phone suggested ending it. We caught up a week later after we officially broke up and he continued to express doubt but claimed he felt it was the right decision for now. We have been in contact on and off since then, the longest period being 3 weeks (right now). We've had a few hour phone calls since the breakup. In Feb/March he was initiating contact, I would not respond and he would text again about wanting to catch up with me but I got cold feet as he conditioned the date about wanting to clear the air, even though he briefly said it would be nice to catch up. I expressed to him that it felt like he just wanted to free himself from guilt and he said he thought it would be healthy in general and that there was a bit of truth in wanting to free himself from guilt, wished me all the best and apologised for the hurt he caused me. I texted him the following evening saying that I wanted to see him and have a nice dinner but I didn't want him to catch up with me just to tell me how sorry he is. That it overwhelmed too. He responded with "Haha, ok, I can see how that caused it. Sorry, it was the furthest from my intention to make you feel that way" that was 3 weeks ago, I didn't respond and I haven't heard anything since.

**TL;DR** ex and I broke up in November, been in contact ever since, he's expressed doubts and wanted to see me more recently but I was worried it was just about him freeing himself from guilt.
Unsure whether it's up to me (26F) to reach out to my ex-boyfriend (35M) or if he should be. Advice?
3 Opinion