It really felt like the world dropped on my body; a heavy burden that I couldn't lift within a short period of time.
My heart at first, felt like there was an empty void in it; no pain, no warmth, just... emptiness. After about a few hours though, it felt like I got hit by a train! The feelings of belongingness, intimacy and warmth came rushing back, how I yearned to want those feelings again with my soulmate! It feels awful and miserable when you've invested so much time with them and it all comes to an end because there were obstacles that got in the way, whether if the problems were within the relationship from incompatibility or from external forces that were out of your control. You start to feel desperation in wanting them to be yours forever, but it only gets worse when they cut you off, even more so if they found someone to replace you.
You'll feel unhappy for a long while, maybe even years depending on how close you were to them. If they mean the world to you, do whatever you can to save the relationship as long as you're not hurting anyone! If you let them go and you didn't even try, you'll feel so much regret later. Break-up of soulmates, is such an emotionally painful experience that I hope people will never have to go through it within their lifetime.33 Reply- Asker+1 y
We’re you able to fall in love again? What made you so sure she was your soulmate?
- +1 y
The irony here is that this happened within the last few days and the impact of it is rippling.
She's someone I've known for 22 years of my life and I dated her for 11 of those years. We match in compatibility in 98% of everything we do! We love the same activities/hobbies, have the same beliefs, are sexually perfect for each other and love to be with each other all the time! I felt happy and complete every time I was with her and as soon as that faded, it felt like my world went dark. You don't feel this with just anyone either. It even broke my heart when she told me this is the opposite of what she wanted; how she only wanted to marry me and no one else. It's a tragedy honestly and hopefully, we can move on from it. - +1 y
thats exactly how i felt.. probably worser to the point where it affected me so much that whenever i used to think of all the memories it used to hurt my heart not having it rn and just wanting it again it hurt my heart so much to the point when whenever i thought of him leaving me (as in cutting off contacts with me because he's still talking to me and i dont want him to leave..), i would like hyperventilate and struggle to breathe so much because its scary to imagine
Most Helpful Opinions
I was devastated and in a very very dark place. I felt so alone in the world. I felt empty. I felt like my other half of my heart was gone. I felt like they've died even though that was my worst fear to lose them. I thought I meant the world to them but clearly I didn't. Then I thought to myself did i do something wrong to make them cheat and not care anymore (aside from the mental, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse). There were times were I would go to sleep crying and waking up crying. There were times where I felt maybe it was my fault he went out and drinked, maybe it was my fault he went out and cheated (which led to him getting another chick knocked up). All your hopes and dreams that were envisioned are gone. Cherry on top was all this; break up and finding out about the cheating and him impregnating someone else happened 6 days before my birthday (happy early birthday to me).
But fast forward months later with the support of my parents and friends, I'm in a much better place. I got a decent good job, a nice apartment, lost weight, and realizing my self worth. I'm more confident than o was before, I'm more happier, more positive, more faithful, and more determined. There are some trauma from the abuse, but I'm working on that in a healthy manner. It just was never meant to be and honestly I'm glad. I'm not crying anymore, I'm happier than ever. I'm more hopeful that my true love is out there. Breakups are rough but eventually within time, life seems to get better and there's the realization that you're happier without them. And eventually love will come again, just have a positive mindset and know what you want I life.04 Reply- Asker+1 y
would you say it was your first experience with love?
- Asker+1 y
I've felt this after falling in love with someone and we'd been talking for weeks, before he told me all of it was just some fun for him. Lasted maybe about a month. Took me 8 months before I was back to my normal self. What I learnt was "don't build a fantasy of a future with the person you're dating".
- 00 Reply
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Devastated. I had two years the feel we are made of each other but in next two years she started to sabotage this relationship and I recognized she has some need to hurt me and to destroy my self-confidence. It took five months without any intimacy between us until she cheated on me. For me it was a relief. I recognized my future plans with her are wish thinking and now I'm free because I can't leave a person who loves me. She proved she definitely doesn't love me at all, it was just sex that kept this relationship alive.
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
I'm pretty unemotional and careless person,. always have been
But it's like I jus give up on girls, she's the only girl I wanted and ever will want, I don't want any other girl cos no other girl can match the bond and connection we had... No one else is the same as her so I jus gave up on girls. Feels kind of empty like my life is dead but I'm still breathing... Just living to pass the time... It's not like the end of the world where I'm devastated or want to cry or anything, I don't really care... I jus feel empty inside02 ReplyWell, when I was a simp (sucker, blindly believed too much), and my girlfriend of 5 years dumped me out of nowhere: for a month I didn't want to believe it. Then for 3 months I felt like crap. But after that I was back to normal and if that happened to me today, I think I'd be over it in way less time. I'm not the same person I was then.
00 Reply- +1 y
It felt like the world was ending. For about a year after she left it was impossible for me to find happiness. Things I once loved could not help me. I literally had no choice but to endure the negative emotions as there was nothing that would help me get rid of them. I still think about her today. Time really is the only healer in such a situation.
02 Reply- Asker+1 y
How long ago did it end?
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I don't know, I'm sure I'd be pretty devastated. Especially if it was a surprise and I thought our relationship was strong and we were going to be together "until the end of the line".
Why, did it happen to you?01 Reply- Asker+1 y
Yes, it taught me not to blindly build a fantasy of a future with someone
- +1 y
Devastating. Happened not long ago.
But life moves onwards and I guess when you realize you have been lowkey mislead, it can hurt even more (then again I had the sneaking suspition).
Anyways, I don't care that much. Gave my best, and I guess that wasn't good enough. Not my problem any more.00 Reply 539 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. Devastated, my whole world crashed and I went through waves of emotions , but in time I was able to move on and realize there is someone better for me out there
00 ReplyUmm my first girlfriend in MS... Hard and abrupt heartbreak.
Let's just say this... I almost killed myself along with half the school faculty.
I didn't handle my first heartbreak well.00 Reply- +1 y
Damn i’ll get this shit right one day
00 Reply - +1 y10 Reply
- Anonymous(25-29)+1 y
I felt annoyed that i have to start all over agian when i put so much effort into this one person. Also scared that if this happens again i would lose my chance to have kids.
00 Reply 783 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. I was crushed. It took me a long time before I wanted to be in a relationship with anybody.
00 ReplyIt will make me feel bad for a while but i will quickly realize that it happened because something far better is in store for me
00 Reply- +1 y
It's never happened to me. I'm still with my first.
00 Reply Ouch.
That hurts. But such is love... so full of pain.00 Reply- +1 y
It’s devastating but…. eventually time will heal everything 😌👍
00 Reply - +1 y
hasn't happened to me but I did it to someone else.
00 Reply Since your soulmate can't break up from you, I can't answer this question.
00 ReplyLike shit lol
It goes away tho00 ReplyLike my insides were being ripped apart
00 Reply- +1 y
00 Reply - +1 y
Devastated. Broken.
00 Reply
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