Should I break up with my girlfriend?

My girlfriend is the sweetest person ever. She’s done so much for me. She seems to genuinely love me even though we don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things.

One issue is that she wants to wait until marriage to have sex. Which I told her would be fine because she does make me happy. Though we do sometimes sleep next to her. She’s someone I do truly feel like I can be myself around.

But also. She isn’t vaccinated which is her choice. I understand. She also has a very fiery side when it comes to politics. She’s a hardcore Trump supporter and into conspiracy theories and is a avid listener of that diversionary Alex Jones and makes me watch him with her.

She told me all about how I shouldn’t get a COVID booster and is like oh I care about you and how if we ever decided to get married and have kids. Bla bla bla. The list really just goes on and on.

She tells me I shouldn’t wear masks when I’m in public and really I don’t do when exposure to COVID is high and makes fun of people who have the same beliefs as I do. Right to me.

I am really fed up with her bullshit. Though I do feel her love just radiates through me like nothing I felt before

Should I break up with my girlfriend?
Post Opinion