Guys, My ex broke up with me but is showing mixed signals. Whats your opinion?

My ex broke up with me about a month ago, said he’s going through a lot and needs space and wants to heal alone and told me we both need to get better. I asked him for a blunt answer and he told me I should move on. Ever since I catch him staring at me. He blocked me on everything except for snapchat. He still has all the stuff I gave him. Before the breakup it felt like we were getting closer, a lot of opening up and a lot of emotional expression. Our illnesses were not working right together. He hasn’t been responding to me. His friends don’t know we broke up at all, one of them came up to me and called him my boyfriend and I had to explain we broke up. His friends are very confused. I am too, what do you guys think?

Guys, My ex broke up with me but is showing mixed signals. Whats your opinion?
Post Opinion