1 yYou find a crush, rebound or keep yourself busy!
The bad ones are the worst cause always what if!
Yet if it happened again it would be the same bad relationship! From going back and my sister going back it really goes just the same as before!
Nothing changes he never changes and everything the tmight fix it does nothing but makes him mad your not doing what he wants!
14 Reply- Asker1 y
I refused to let him win, u knw he even told me he was playing with me and he wanted to mess me up mentally. Even me moving rn n do my daily thing got me to accept that am such a strong woman. Plus now he already hv another girl n he was bragging about it. I told him clearly he failed if that was his intention cuz am strong enough to handle him n thn i blocked him. But that annoying feeling keep popping up, sigh.
I am afraid of falling for another n he turns out to be like him. Is that the trauma he gave me? Or is it just too early for me? - 1 y
Good you blocked him and of course those feeling pop up and rush around your head!
Just take your time with the next one look for red flags and do the best you can!
a lot of guys are trash just toss it away after!
This girl went through 5 bad relationship before finding an amazing guy!
When your ready to date again you will know it! He was not hurt so he can rush off get someone else to use!
Your heart got hurt and stepped on take time for yourself your an amazing. Strong women you will move on in time!
The rule is like for every 3 months take a month or week! Just to recover - Asker1 y
Thank you❤
- 1 y
Welcomes always open to vent if you need!
Don't go through it alone!
Most Helpful Opinions
- 1 y
It takes time. I was in one here and after he broke it off I kept thinking about it. It took me 6 months and a new job before I was able to move on. Time & time I do still think about it but not as I once was. So it’ll take time just be patient. Find things you like doing. Going out with friends, drawing, reading, etc. things to keep your mind occupied.
14 Reply- Asker1 y
He didn't try to came back or was he is not narcissistic?
- 1 y
We worked together. So he would play mind games with me that way. Broke up with me over Snapchat telling me he needed time. 3 weeks later found a new girl which took up way more time then me as she lived in another state.
- Asker1 y
U know i came to realise his pattern when i broke off with me. He always have someone when he leaves because he doesn't wanna be alone. So while he was treating me like shit, he was into another girl.
Few days ago he was flirting with me when i push him off then started to brag how much money he was giving the new girl n how the new girl listens to him and are similar in many ways. He was laughing at me n brag how much power he has on me. He even said he was playing me and wanted to mess me up mentally when i said i will send this msgs to his new girl.
Then lastly i told him some stuff then he said in message that he was sorry he was playing with me. But i blocked him and i don't thk he is sincere anyways. The sad part is i thought he was the one so it was heartbreaking and infuriating seeing i was just among his play thing.
- 1 y
I totally understand. See it’s a good thing you blocked him! Shit every now and then I have to see him on social media but it’s a new account as he never had it before. He only had Snapchat when we meet and it wasn’t anything great. So I just blocked him from seeing my posts. But you are strong girl! You got this you already have a hard head on you. So do I and I’m not taking shit from any guy!
- 1 y
Sounds like you might have a little post analysis paralysis going on, or perhaps PTSD.
I think this is the result of anxiety. Perhaps medication may help. Also the result of likely not having closure.
I hate Narcissists. They’re just vile pieces of garbage.13 Reply- Asker1 y
Maybe, but i don't thk so. If i put the anger i hv inside i thk i will be well, which i just pray now n i can say its much better. The agony i used to get when i tot of him is reduced to 80%... i decided to just forgive and move on cuz that person isn't normal so its just waste of time waiting for a sincere apology, im accepting that now.
If i can't even control my mind, it will be sad. I will be okay, am strong enough to pass through this. Thank you🤍 - 1 y
I get it. My ex wife was a narcissist. I have a good idea what you’re going through.
- Asker1 y
I can't imagine a narcissistic woman, because i thk they will be worse than the men
- 1 y
Everything takes time especially when you’re fresh out of a relationship or fresh out of anything, give it time , the thoughts well slowly fade
11 Reply- Asker1 y
Thank you
What Girls & Guys Said
- 1 y
Ex is ex for a reason.
He might have been wonderful but being an ex is a good enough reason to remember he wasn’t all that flawless and perfect.
Your future has better things for you. Your future needs you, your past - doesn’t.
00 Reply Therapy. That’s the only way I was able to do it. And just give it time. When you’re really hurt, it just takes time to heal. And everyone’s timing is different. So honor your process.
11 Reply- Asker1 y
I don't think i need therapy but if it gets worse i will do it but i am strong enough to pass through this without it, i believe so n i will make it happen. He is just human, n worst human to add i will not ruin my life for someone like that. God is with me.
Am sorry what u had to go through, i can imagine. But am glad u pass through it. U r strong too thats why u did it. Thank you for ur advice 🤍
- 1 y
You block and delete him off everything and find a new man.
13 Reply- Asker1 y
Wouldn't i be using that man as rebound? I don't wanna hurt someone else like i was.
- 1 y
This whole "rebound" idea is stupid, and is just a nonsense excuse to waste your time and tack up your body count. Find a suitable man who isn't a narcissistic douche and stop worrying about a "rebound"
- Asker1 y
How do you find a suitable man haha. Anyways i get what u r saying. I thk i will take my time healing as i am afraid of now to meet anyone, i don't want to repeat the same mistake. If a good man comes to me then i will give myself a chance but i won't find anyone
- Anonymous(18-24)1 y
Narcissism is a psychiatric diagnosis, not just some random term to be thrown around casually.
01 Reply- 1 y
Why, are you a narcissist and feel offended? Is that why you’re anon? Society is filled with them now.
What the hell is unfinished? You want more of his bullshit and punishment or something?
01 Reply- Asker1 y
Its easier said than done. N yes i was being stupid but that's how i was feeling. It wasn't easy nor is now but am getting over it.
This is common, pay a visit to a psychiatrist or a psychologist, and start a therapy.
01 Reply- Asker1 y
Thank you for ur advice
I was married to one girl 36 years NEVER do that again
01 Reply- Asker1 y
God, i hope u r okay now. I can't even imagine being with someone like that for all those years
- 1 y
Stop chasing Chad's.
00 Reply
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