382 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. Pretty much in early childhood. Since then it stayed like guarded and left behind and closed off. Which inevitably attributed to my significant health damages and medical conditions making me very ripe for many expensive hospital visits and stays.
But in romantic sense? Once. I don't know how I let that happen but it'll never happen again now that I am aware, that I can be put in such a position "in the name of love".
10 Reply
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- 1 y
In life if you never try you will never know & as for me when it comes to matters of the heart I rather try & fail rather than not try at all. I’m sorry to hear your heart was broken three times & unfortunately hearts do get broken & although it might take you some time to move on you will move on. My heart was broken a few times & recently as well but all I can say is that life moves on & so will I & so will you.
10 Reply
- 1 y
I’d not say broken.
Maybe once. But I’d not say broken.
Instead it was twisted.
But it went back to its shape after that.
Broken means it’s forever wounded.
It’s not.
I am still as silly as I was in the past, just a little bit more experienced.
I am working on silliness.
I still believe in love.
20 Reply
- 1 y
More than I care to admit :|
But pretty much the entirety of my late teens through 20s was a hot mess of rejection and heartache. Ironically, I've had more heart broken more by people I wasn't dating/crushing on, than guys I actually dated.
20 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- 1 y
I don’t count minor rejections but I had two major rejections.
10 Reply My heart has only been truly broken once. Never again. I didn't trust people after that. They weren't romantically involved with me, but they were twins, boy and girl. I'm older than them. And when shit got tough, they turned their back on me. Their own big sister.
20 ReplyOnce, very recently. She is sweeter than I thought possible so I knew from the get-go that I could never have her. I couldn’t avoid falling for her though, and of course she ended up with another guy which crushed me. Before that, I didn’t care much for the idea of a relationship because I thought it would bring me more harm than good. After all, I can’t even imagine someone nearly as sweet actually picking me. I’m afraid to let myself get my hopes up.
10 Reply1.2K opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. I don't allow myself to feel like that. I am able to bounce back from bad situations very quickly.
21 Reply- 1 y
Good for you @Nikki1989
I will say the same for me, 3, really painful break ups.
10 Reply791 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. Twice really bad. One time I really did not know how I was going to continue living.
20 ReplyA number of times 😞. I don't want to date/marry girls in my country anymore.
24 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)1 y
I don’t let it happen, I see it coming and duck and I’m out
10 Reply u
1 yfortunately... never
10 Reply- 1 y
My heart is broken but I guess I didn't sell it
00 Reply - 1 y
Zero in romance.
10 Reply Luckily zero 👍..
10 ReplyToo many times 🧕
11 Reply- 1 y
three times too many :(
21 Reply- 1 y
follow me?
- 1 y
Same, 3x
20 Reply - 1 y
once i think
20 Reply - 1 y
A few times
314 Reply- 1 y
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Tell us the truth baby girl - 1 y
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@AmeerX well i had a couple guys who i fell for n i thought they were the one but it just didn't go well n then i found this really amazing guy (at least what i thought) but after some months he also said he was with me just to use me for benefits only...
n even now i feel like heartbroken by some clients behaviours too - 1 y
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@elizamichale1 I believe you honey 💕
- 1 y
My heart is constantly broken.
00 Reply6 so far
10 Reply- 1 y
Only once and I thought about ending my life
00 Reply - 1 y
3 times
🖐️10 Reply One time.
10 Reply2… I guess
20 Reply- 1 y
@BarryLiverstone broke it one too many times
11 Reply- 1 y
Yes I did, and each time tried to use crazy glue to fix it
20 Reply- 1 y
I have lost count
21 Reply - 1 y
10 Reply - 1 y
A few times
10 Reply - 1 y
0 times
11 Reply- 1 y
can't be heartbroken if you're not attractive enough to give your heart
Too many
10 Reply
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