It would truly depend on all the circumstances but I would have to move on I think
There's no right time to do anything unless you're going on vacation or something
But for me I've always done everything the hard way and the best time to do something is when you don't want to do it
And when you're with somebody and things are happening all around you and it's hard to judge or it's hard to communicate or it's hard to figure things out that's the time when you both want to be involved because that's the hard part and when you get through something together this truly hard that's where you learn the most that's where you Bond the deepest and you have to fight your way through it you can't just walk away and then some day down the road you say okay I'm ready now for me it doesn't work that way you have to stay in the battle you have to fight all the way through it together as one
No matter what I've done through in life no matter what I put myself through there's no stopping you have to be committed all the way. And when you can do that and make it through to that other side you've grown and if you're going to grow without that person you might as well just keep growing on your own or with somebody new00 Reply
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- 3 d
Well there are a few variables here. “Break” is open-ended and is even used to soften the blow when people don’t want to say “ this relationship is over “ , perhaps they want to trial a breakup to make sure “they” are making the right decision.
One this is a surety for me personally , whether broken or on pause or “it’s complicated “ I’d be in no rush to jump into another relationship with a. n. other so I MAY be emotionally available to resume the relationship or I may decide that in actual fact the distance show me that there I isn’t actually much to salvage. However it could also show me that I should make every attempt to leave myself open to reconcile should I be given that opportunity.
It’s a good question but I could never say definitively what I’d do even though my head would want to burn that bridge I know my heart all to well.10 Reply
404 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. Happy New Year, HP.
It's an interesting question... I guess it depends on how much you care (d) for them. If there wasn't much of a connection (perhaps it was fading) then move on. But if you had something you feel is worth salvaging, hear them out and see what would change "post space."
Don't randomly wait unless they've indicated that they are committed to coming back to you. The Ross & Rachael thing only "worked" on TV. We're not in a rom-com and don't get paid $1M an episode to deal with a person's nonsensical lack of commitment, you know?11 Reply- 3 d
Happy New Year DL!
Missed your opinions and wisdom here. Well said as usual and glad to have ya back 😊
I'd go back. If they initiated it, not me chasing or begging. It would be called "a second chance". And I'd see if the break actually taught them anything. And myself.
Although there is the risk that during the break I do, upon reflecting, move on or come to the conclusion I don't want the person.
12 Reply- 4 d
That's interesting. Didn't think there would be a single person saying they'd go back 😮
- 4 d
I am not perfect. I'm still not. I don't expect anyone else to be perfect. Least of all relationships. We should be learning all time about ourselves and others. Some flaws I see as more endearing. A break night highlight love over things that got petty. Or more willingness to compromise etc.
If someone comes back unchanged and unevolved tho then that's last chance over.
And of c circumstances like cheating won't get a second chance at all.
What Girls & Guys Said
- 3 d
If he wanted a break, couldn’t work through things with me and wasn’t patient enough to solve the issues, then it shows he’s not good at handling relationship problems. I wouldn’t wait around for that. I’d just move on.
10 Reply We ended on good terms so I am open to trying in better circumstances assuming I am single. But I am also fully open to someone new, and whoever I get in to a relationship with I am super loyal to. So if she wants me back at some point its up to her to get me before someone else does.
00 Reply- 4 d
I’ll never go back to ex.
We broke up for a reason.10 Reply I'd love to give them another chance and see them again but tbh if they left me for someone else or a break depending on the situation i think its better I move on because I dont need any experiments to decide who i love
00 Replyeven if he has no expectations, nobody else will enter my life while my feelings for him remain strong
02 Reply- 3 d
You'd neglect yourself happiness with a partner of your own just because you have feelings for a guy?
Depends on the situation
00 Reply
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