My ex boyfriend wants to reunite, but he keeps flaking on me

My ex and I were in a relationship in the past. It was a very, very fast one. We were only together for two months and he had already said that he loved me and wanted to be with me. We ended breaking up because it was moving too fast. Months later, he saw me walking around town and decided to make contact again. We have been hanging out and talking a lot. He has been very sweet and has not even tried to make any sexual moves. But recently, he began to flake. ALL the time. I ask him to hang out, and he responds with "I will let you know" - to which he never lets me know. Then when I stop contacting him often, he comes back and asks why I do not like him. SO then because I feel like if I DON'T contact him, he will think that I do not like him (which I do- A LOT). But he keeps flaking on me! To make matters even more confusing, he asked me to meet his mom just the other day, too! I know he is under a lot of pressure from work, but I feel like his flakiness is just a sign that he has doubts. Any suggestions?
My ex boyfriend wants to reunite, but he keeps flaking on me
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