My boyfriend still talks to his ex's family, should I be okay with this?

I've never been in a committed relationship before. It’s always been flings that never lasted more than a month. Men or women I have never felt compelled to stay with someone for a long period of time. But then I met this guy, and he was great. We started dating and after a year now we are talking about marriage and kids and I couldn't be happier at the thought of spending the rest of my life with this person, which is a new thought for me and one that had me scared. What made me even more scared was the fact that he still talks to his ex’s family. He was with her for 8 years, engaged for 4 or 5 years, so I already feel insecure about this- makes me think he just wants to be settled down and that anyone would do, I mean why consider it with a woman he’s only been with for a year when he was with her for so long?

I know there is a lot of history between those two, but she cheated on him and left him. And when I see him talking to her family I feel so left out- he never makes a move to introduce me or include me in the conversations, so I wander off and he gets angry that I leave. I've told him about my insecurities but he just brushes them off. Should I just be okay that he still talks to them or should I just leave? All advise helps, thanks. MR

My boyfriend still talks to his ex's family, should I be okay with this?
3 Opinion