My ex girlfriend is being extremely cruel. Why?

My ex girlfriend dumped me a little over a month ago.

We hung out for an hour the other day . After hearing a litany of excuses as to why she dumped me, she informed me that she dumped me because she cheated on me and couldn't bring herself to tell me. That she had lied constantly about her true feeling for a supposedly platonic friend. She then dug the knife in deeper & twisted it with this. She said oh this was funny the other day almost had to buy the morning after pill but the next day I got my period. I i mean wtf who says sh*t like that. I asked her if she ever really oved me and she said in her own way that she liked that I was really good to her and liked having sex with me but that was it. then I told her I wished I never met her. She then got teared up & asked if I was trying to hurt her. I said no I'm serious you weren't worth feeling like this. you are not the person I thought you were. I never want to see or hear from again just leave me the f*** alone.. She said OK I understand then started texting & calling me the next day. What is up with this girl ?

Am I going to have to move & change my number or what? I can't havr any contact with her she just deliberately tries to hurt my feeling & further damage me emotionally. What does everyone think about this situation?
My ex girlfriend is being extremely cruel. Why?
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