Why you should date other races!

I want to share some fun facts, tips and advantages on interracial dating. I personally believe it should just be called 'dating' but anywho...

TIP: Do not assume that just because a person is from a certain culture or ethnic background that the person fits the stereotype of all people from that ethnicity. There is a great deal of diversity within a culture. Some people may "look" of a certain race or ethnicity but, may not identify with that specific group. When dating people of other races, just because you have a friend who is similar in culture or ethnicity, do not assume you know everything about his/her culture. Understanding the similarities and differences can help prevent misunderstandings.


Learning about another culture or religion

Why you should date other races!!

Being exposed to new ways of thinking.

Having an incredible new experience with someone you love and respect.

Possibly learning a new language.

It keeps things interesting.

Breaking stereotypes

When you date someone of a different race, it gives you and your partner opportunities to break negative stereotypes about your respective races. It also provides a counterexample to ignorant and hateful stereotypes, and helps others become more open-minded and accepting.

Why you should date other races!

You should broaden your horizons

The only failed relationship is one where you don’t grow as a person. Even relationships that don’t last forever can and should be mutually beneficial. Being open to “other” kinds of women and men offers a broader perspective of the world, including how you see it and how it sees you. And that positions you to make choices about things in your relationships that really matter, because you have grown in self awareness.

Why you should date other races!

It's a good strategy!

Finding someone special is always a numbers game, so some level of strategy will do you good. If you’re statistically more likely to meet someone more your speed by checking “other” on ethnicity, then that’s just a well-informed decision. Well-managed decisions tend to offer better outcomes. Time is also a factor and plenty of it is wasted on people who just aren’t good for you. That doesn’t mean that people of your own race aren’t good for you, but if you are limiting yourself based on race, you’re also limiting your chances to find happiness. More options equals more chances.

Why you should date other races!

Why you should date other races!

Variety is the spice of life!

We all need it. A break from the norm. A chance to try something different. Variety enriches all other factors in your life: the food you eat, the places you visit, the shoes on your feet and the hair on your head. Why wouldn’t injecting a little spice into your dating selections be just as beneficial? Lots of women and men fall into the “tried it, didn’t work” category when it comes to dating people of other races, but bad dates are inevitable no matter what race the other person is. If at first you don’t succeed, try again. You may just find your soulmate.

Why you should date other races!

It's the 21st century

The economy, business and information infrastructure is global — and yet your dating pool is ultra-local. Now more than any time in the past, women are empowered with the benefit of choice. Exercise it! (This goes for men too).

Why you should date other races!

Why you should date other races!

I'm NOT saying that we should all exclude our own races and strictly date people of other races, that's just ridiculous. If you're smitten with someone the same race as you then by all means, go for it!!

I do think that times are changing and the "norm" should be done away with. Rules are meant to be broken, if your parents or grandparents forbid you to date someone outside of your race you should say screw it and do it anyway!!

Why you should date other races!

We do everything else our parents tell us not to, we're all human beings so why carry on with flawed 'traditions'? Ask yourself, why is being with another human being who only looks different from me considered so unorthodox? A better question is why do you listen to people with that flawed way of thinking?

You can't help who you fall in love with and anything that gets in the way of true isn't love at all. If you're not part of the solution then you're apart of the problem.

Why you should date other races!

The only thing we're sure of in this world is change. Things are always changing and changes in our lives can happen at any time. Sometimes change is good.

Why you should date other races!

Why you should date other races!
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