What to do when FEAR is holding you back


What to do when FEAR is holding you back

1. an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

What to do when FEAR is holding you back

Fear of awful things happening in the future is what makes us ...well... human by design.

Animals may fear an immediate danger and somehow we fear (what) might happen to us down the road. Do you think animals think about their future? It is something to ponder. Some might say FEAR is essential but I have found that most are unneeded, foolish, and holding us back from greatness.

Do you have the fear that you’re not good enough? Not smart enough? Not pretty enough? Not handsome enough? Not cute enough? Not buff enough? You get the picture....these are all self fears that are meant to keep us safe but are they? Is the fear we are feeling misguided in the wrong era? Maybe this fear is hard wired for another reason like being eaten by a bear, beaten by a caveman, or chased by a lion. Last time I checked there are no lions or bears looking to kill or have you for dinner.

Letting fear stop you from being the person you are meant to be is a tragedy. There is no program or mystical spell that will cure us of this natural feeling...but I have learned a few things that might help.

1st, acknowledge your fear. This is a large first step. If you simply just do this than you’ve done something that many will never do. Many of us have these fears, however they're lodged in the back of our brain, going unnoticed, unacknowledged, as we attempt to ignore them and pretend they’re not there. However they are there. And they impact us, daily, all our lives. So recognizing the fear is the first crucial step.

Write it down. What is this FEAR you speak of? Put it on a sheet of paper. Writing it down not only recognizes that you have it but allows you to face it head on. Take command over it by writing it down. It's now outside you. You are now able to do something about it.

Reach deep inside and really feel your fear. You’ve recognized it; however you’re still afraid of it. Understand that you’re not the only one ... we all experience fear... it is how we deal with it that defines us. Feeling it on purpose helps us examine it... and eventually get rid of it.

What is the worst thing that can happen? Frequently it’s not as awful as we think. Do you fear failing in your relationship? What would occur if you did? You would find someone else I promise you. Someone who is more suited for you. Heartache is a part of life... not experiencing it isn't living at all. Sometimes you have to feel the fear and do it anyway. You must simply do it because your future depends on those failures to make you better. Our path always recorrects unless we hold back and not take any path at all.

Be in the moment. Fear of failure is something that hasn't even happened yet. Failure helps us learn and grow. We get caught up in worrying what may occur that we don't take chances in life. You know the life we only get one shot at? I heard a saying recently, "Don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life". Do something today to stop your fears, to pursue your passions, and forget about what might happen. What if tomorrow never came? Start now.

Take baby steps. Take a chance on a daily basis. If you are shy.... talk to 5 strangers a day. If you fear heights climb higher each and everyday. Have a plan of action. You will soon feel really good that the fear you thought you had was all in your mind. Do something small everyday to eliminate it for good. Celebrate each success.... you only have one shot. Otherwise....You'll only regret the chances you didn't take, relationships you were afraid to have, and the decisions you waited too long to make. Live life, Be Great.

T. Anthony

What to do when FEAR is holding you back
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