Traits That Make You Instantly Dislikable

Traits That Make You Instantly Dislikable


Life is breathtaking when we spend time with the people we love... But it can be the exact opposite when we waste time with the people we hate!

Consider Jim Rohn's quote - "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with".

Are you surrounding yourself with likable people? Are you a likable person yourself? What are the traits that make someone instantly dislikable? In this myTake article, I will examine the negative characteristics that we should all try to avoid in a social situation.

Traits That Make You Instantly Dislikable

What are the benefits of being likable?

1.) People are more willing to help you.

Sometimes the small problems can make us feel very frustrated and helpless. However, most of them can be easily solved by simply receiving the help of others.

2.) A significantly bigger circle of friends.

You will never have to worry about feeling lonely since there is always someone to talk to.

3.) Increased confidence.

You will trust your capabilities as a result of being respected by others. This will help you tackle difficult tasks in school, work, family, and more.

4.) Healthy brain.

You will be more relaxed and will stop paying attention to all the other annoying things in life. This will also help you focus on your important priorities!

5.) Happier life.

"We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone." - Orson Welles

Likable people have a easier time succeeding in all spheres of life. So what traits make people dislikable?

Traits That Make You Instantly Dislikable

Traits That Make You Instantly Dislikable

1.) Arrogance. There is a difference between confidence and arrogance.

Confidence is walking into a room feeling comfortable. Arrogance is walking into a room and shouting, "Guess what guys?! I feel comfortable!"

2.) Cursing. When you cuss, you are sending a message that you are not smart enough to express yourself.

Smart guy: "If you blame it on someone else, don’t expect it to get better."

Dumb guy: "What you idiot? #$@& %@$&# %#$ !"

3.) Racism, sexism, and homophobism. Many people are proud to be a certain race, a certain sex, or a certain sexuality. Disrespecting someone else's opinion can make you look ignorant and self-absorbed.

Speaking of "self-absorbed"...

4.) Self-centeredness. Some people think that they are the center of the world. These people will be happy to talk about themselves, but will leave the conversation when it is about someone else. They could also be shifting every conversation to themselves.

Me: "Oh my god, I was in this horrible car accident yesturday. What happened was... *Gets interrupted*

Richard: "You were in a car accident? Oh my god, four years ago I had a car accident! What happened was... *blah blah blah*"

5.) Mean jokes. Jokes might be funny to some, but can seriously hurt the feelings of others.

"Why do black people have nice shoes and nice cars but not nice houses? Because they haven't figured out how to steal houses yet".

This type of joke is offensive to many black people who earned their things by working hard and contributing to their community.

6.) Negativity. These people will focus on all the negative things no matter what. They might start their sentences with "You should have ___________ ! ". Or they might say, "That is is not even possible!". Or might make you feel guilty by saying, "You never do ____ for me".

Nobody cares about your problems, but if they do, they're glad you have them.

7.) Know-it-all Attitude. These people will make everything a debate. Some traits of Know-it-alls:

Unnecessarily tells people about random trivia.

Inappropriately correcting people.

Being an overly argumentative debater.

Being intellectually competitive in conversations.

Being too blunt and abrasive.

Being overly skeptical and cynical.

Being too negative and critical.

Overthinking things.

Writing in an overly wordy, abstruse style because you want to show how smart you are. (Oops).

8.) Obliviousness. This trait can be extremely annoying when it is combined with any of the other negative traits. The problem is that oblivious people don't even know that they are being oblivious. Combine this trait with the "Know-it-all Attitude", and there is the perfect recipe for being dislikable.

9.) Gossiping. This person thinks that he or she will appear cool by negatively talking about others. They make things complicated and the drama will eventually result in bigger problems.

"You and your rumors have two things in common. You're both fake and you both get around."

Message to the GAG Community

I am disappointed when I find out that a very attractive individual possesses one of these traits. Personally, it is an immediate turnoff and I try to avoid them at all costs for my own protection.

What are some other traits that instantly make someone dislikable? I would love to hear from youguys!

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Traits That Make You Instantly Dislikable
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