6 Reasons Why I love Asian-American Men.

6 Reasons Why I love Asian-American Men.

I am a white American woman who loves Asian men. I've always been open to the idea of dating outside of my race. Growing up in the South (Georgia, to be exact) it was kind of frowned upon by almost anyone ... except my mom. I remember my mom and I were having lunch and this VERY attractive Asian guy walked by and... I was in love. (Or, at least I thought I was. I was 10, what the hell did I know? No, my attraction doesn't stem from Korean soap operas, k-pop music videos or Japanese manga & anime characters. We all know that Asians are usually smart and have the following aspects although not limited to:

1. straight A's

2. strict parents

3. good at Math and Science

4. superb SAT and ACT scores

5. Ivy League college oriented

6. some can break dance and rap

7. good at video games

8. generally dominates at anything they set out to do

Disclaimer: This article will contain a lot of stereotypes about the Asian community in America.

1. Asian Men Value Education

Asian Americans are the highest-income, best-educated and fastest-growing racial group in the U.S, with Asians now making up the largest share of recent immigrants. they place a greater value on marriage, parenthood, hard work and career success.

2. They don't feel the need to assert their masculinity

Some men are tough by nature while some others try to act tough. Being less friendly, smiling less often and acting cold are some of the ways some men use to appear strong and masculine. But a lot of Asian men don't like acting macho. They often carry their smaller stature with a lot of confidence and grace. I find that extremely sexy.

3. Asian guys fight for the bill.

True story. When the dinner cheque arrives at the table, the Asian guy will swoop in like a properly trained ninja and attack the dinner cheque before you can even do that “reach” for your wallet. This swift technique is an ancient move passed on by his ancestors – a learned behavior through many years watching his parents challenge their opponents to who gets to the cheque first. White guys are much more laid back and are happy to carry on the conversation for another 30 minutes while the check is laying on the table; some are even willing to go Dutch to further showcase their support towards gender equality.

4. Because Asian men are sexy.

I don’t expect every Asian guy to look like a Suju clone who just walked off the set of the latest drama. Let’s nip that in the bud right now. Some gentlemen prefer blondes. I prefer Asians. I love the high cheekbones, the almond-shaped eyes. I can’t name an Asian feature that I DON’T like.

5. Half Asian babies are my goals.

Mixed babies are the cutest.

6. Because I have very high standards.

I always told myself that I would never end up with a man who had less education and less of a drive to succeed than I do. Only a third of white Americans have a college degree – I am in the minority who do – whereas over half of Asian Americans have one. Over the years I have found that the more educated I become, the less and less I have in common with men who aren’t as highly educated. Those without a college degree are good people, but I have lofty goals and I want any man in my life to be able to match them. They are mostly STEM majors. They get bonus points for that!!!!

6 Reasons Why I love Asian-American Men.
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