10 Tips for a Successful Date

Here are some tips to having a successful date...

1. Appearance

10 Tips for a Successful Date

So obviously when you go on a date you need to make sure you look your best and well groomed because looks are important when looking for a potential partner as we need to find them visually pleasing and attractive enough to want to consider getting romantically involved with them.

2. Confidence
10 Tips for a Successful Date

Confidence is important because when you meet someone you want them to be happy and content with who they're... being content with who you're shows people you're a catch and worth pressuring further.. this one isn't always easy as when we go on a date we're automatically very nervous and want to make a good impression but the more confident you come across the more likely you're to get to the 2nd date.

3. Scent

10 Tips for a Successful Date

Smelling good is very very important on a date so make sure that you wear some nice smelling aftershave or perfume ... a nice smell can be a instant turn on for some people and cause instant attraction.. so much sure to squirt some of these lovely smelling bottles of joy before going on a date.

4. Hygiene

10 Tips for a Successful Date

As similar to the above post this is just as if not more important..make sure you're completely clean before coming on the date.. make sure your hands and finger nails are clean of dirt and you've put on plenty of deodorant because there is not much worse than going on a date with someone who smells strongly of BO it is a instant turn of and no one wants to date someone who smells.

5. Happiness

10 Tips for a Successful Date

Now the physical traits are pretty much out the way here is a very important one..

being happy and smiling and laughing is so so important when going on a date.. no one wants to date someone who seems miserable and unhappy and like they'd rather not be there if you're having a off day or are not feeling at your best arrange another day because when we meet someone for the first time we need to be at our best and when we aren't.. the mood will rub of onto the other person and quite likely they will not want to see you again.

6. Be interesting

10 Tips for a Successful Date

Being interesting is important in dating because we need to stand out from the crowd.. if you're just like everyone else and nothing stands out about you why would the person want to see you again? and this does not mean making up lies about you being in the FBI or a sky dive junkie.. it just means tell people your hobbies things you enjoy to do.. experiences you've had.. different countries you've been to.. of course not everyone has been aboard or done much but there is always something in someones life that they've done that must stand out or be worth telling to the person you're dating.

7. Ask Questions

10 Tips for a Successful Date

This is very important in dating because people forget sometimes that we need to get to know the other person and its not all about proving ourselves to the person.. lots of people enjoy talking about themselves and being a good listener is a very very attractive quality.. i can say on the dates i've been on i've usually always been more inclined to see the other person again if they took interest in me and things i like.

8. Honesty

10 Tips for a Successful Date

When going on a date we're out to impress.. everyone is no matter what we say no one can completely be themselves until we're more comfortable with the person and on the first few meetings or so we just won't be totally relaxed... in these circumstances we sometimes tell lies sometimes only little white lies but in doing this it can back fire... never tell lies about your life or who you're because in the long run this helps no one and is only going to help you in the short term and prevent you from actually getting anywhere.. and if the person finds out you lied? well the trust will be gone or if not they will.

9. Be mysterious

10 Tips for a Successful Date

When meeting someone new sometimes people seem to have that vibe or aura about them that draws you in makes you want to learn more ... don't give everything away at once let the person get to know you gradually..... let them keep learning new things about you rather than giving your whole story in 5 mins... as if there's always something new to tell it will prevent the person you're on a date with finding you boring or always the same.

10. Stay off your phone

10 Tips for a Successful Date

This one should be simple and easy but for many people it seems not.. playing or using your phone on a date is probably one of the worst things you can do and will make the person feel like you just can't be bothered or you aren't interested so make sure it stays in your pocket and only comes out if you need it.

Of course these aren't set in stone things that will get you a date... but they will help :)

10 Tips for a Successful Date
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