5 Factors That Carry the Most Weight in the Dating World

This mytake is focused on heterosexuals and their dating world. Here are some factors you all should be aware of in the general dating world. These things carry the most weight whether you like it or not. It’s very important to be realistic as well.

5 Factors That Carry the Most Weight in the Dating World


Looks are correlated with genetic fitness and physical health. The better looking you are the better your genes are fit for the environment. Humans are generally wired to be attracted to those who have better genes because they want offspring with better genes. Humans are also generally wired to desire to mate with those who they can produce viable offspring with, so they seek out a mate that will either balance out or improve their offsprings’ genes to fit the environment in some way. It’s no different from other species. It doesn’t matter what your gender is. Your market value rises the more conventionally attractive you are because more people will be willing to date you. Your market value lowers the less conventionally attractive you are because less people will be willing to date you. Most normal people would much rather date an attractive, rich person over an ugly, rich person. You get the idea. Humans are generally wired to pass on their genes anyway even if they are ugly and can’t mate with an attractive person. The bottom of the barrel is stuck with the bottom of the barrel and they continue to reproduce because, to them, mating with someone is better than mating with no one. This is science and logic mixed together, if you don’t get it or like it then that sucks for you.

Physical Fitness

If you are more physically fit than someone else, then it means you have better odds of survival. That’s why top athletes are considered very attractive by a lot of people and people would rather have kids who are athletically competent than have kids who are physically weak/incompetent.


Humans have evolved to save resources and to rely on them. An offspring with wealthy parents is more likely to be more well nourished and to have far greater opportunities in life than those without wealthy parents. Humans are very competitive with their resources, so the competition to become wealthy is fierce. It’s not easy. An education and a good resume is basically just a ticket to more wealth/resources. People generally date within their own socioecononmic status. Wealth/resources can definitely compensate for what you lack, but that depends on how wealthy you are and what it is that you look for in a partner. So an ugly, rich person is most likely going to end up with another ugly, rich person, a merely average person, or with a poor, beautiful person.


This is self explanatory. Most, normal people would much rather have a smart kid than have a stupid or average intelligence kid. This is because more intelligence can give you a much better chance of survival and it has the potential to bring you in more resources. Intelligence is a gene that can be passed on from parent to child. There are many kinds of intelligence that exist, but, according to researchers, they all seem to have a common genetic base. Academic achievements, humor, creativity, and talent are very good indicators of intelligence.


This only matters if you want to be in a long term relationship with the other person. Factors like religion, culture, age, values, lifestyle, interests, etc. do play a role in a relationship. These factors don’t have to necessarily match, but it’s very important for their mindsets to be compatible with one another.

So what doesn’t carry any weight?

A lot of people, especially guys, on here think that being nice should reward them. 1. Being nice doesn’t carry any weight at because anyone can be nice if they want to be. A lot people, especially on here, also like to extragerate the importance of confidence. 2. If you’re not relatively attractive, rich, smart or physically fit then being confident won’t carry any weight because you basically don’t have anything to be confident about. The moral of this mytake is to have realistic expectations in the dating world because what you give is pretty much what you get.

Sincerely, the 10 out of 10 guy

5 Factors That Carry the Most Weight in the Dating World
Post Opinion