Women and Hypergamy


Hypergamy = the action of marrying or forming a sexual relationship witha person of a superior sociological or educational background.

I don't know if it's actually scientifically proven that women are hypergamous so I'll refer to it as a theory. But without a doubt, it's something that seems to be true if we look at our society. It was definitely more common in the past because the only way for a women to survive, was to have a strong male on her side. She couldn't really make a name for herself.

But even today many women seem to like the idea of a man having a better financial situation as herself. Or would you say a unemployed man has the same variety of women to choose from as a doctor or a banker? No I don't think so.

So even if it doesn't shine a good light on us women, I think the theory of hypergamy is true. Just think about how many romance Movies or novels exist where the hot millionaire falls in love with the poor waitress for example.

So what does that mean, will your girlfriend/wife eventually leave you for someone with a bigger bank account? Probably not. Money is obviously not the only reason women date. And even if some women have the tendency to date up, not every women cares about money and social status. And a bit less comforting but still true, not all women are "good enough" or preferred by guys go earn more. So she might not even have the option to "upgrade"

I think the best example for this is that men usually prefer women in their twenties. Yes they might have a preference towards those women, but that doesn't mean they'll automatcally leave their wife as soon as she turns 30.

The biological explanation for this is that women used to need only one partner to give them children and protection/ food and all that. So they choose the best provider they could get. While men could get lots of women pregnant. So they care more about fertility and therefore prefer younger women. I red about this, but I don't think these instincts are really that relevant in todays society. And since most women are capable of taking care of themselfes nowadays, I think hypergamy will be less relevant in the future of dating.

Anyways, I'd like to know your opinion on this. Preferably one that isn't just "all women are whores who only care about money" But this is GaG so I don't expect much more.

Women and Hypergamy
Women and Hypergamy
7 Opinion