Tinder Hack Inbound (Guys Only)

Tinder Hack Inbound (Guys Only)

So as you all know or may not know I am an online dating coach. I have been coaching now professionally for almost 15 years. I wanted to share a hack me and my other coaching buddies have discovered. We know it works for men not sure if it works though for the ladies but you are welcome to try.

Tinder Hack Inbound (Guys Only)

Tinder and all the other apps have an algorithm. Once you figure this out you can now figure out who matches with you. So make sure you have a decent profile and photos first of all. You still need people to actually LIKE you for this to work. Make sure your age range is generous along with your mileage of around 50-60 miles in range.

Tinder Hack Inbound (Guys Only)

Open the Tinder app then close it down completely. Re-open the app and swipe right on the first two profiles you see. The 2nd profile 95% of the time is a match each and every time. Again, this doesn't always work especially if you have gone through a shit ton of profiles already. The key is closing the app and restarting the app to let the algorithm reset. Please remember the key attributes above. Have a good profile, photos, and bio. Be generous on age and distance range of your potential match.

Tinder Hack Inbound (Guys Only)

You can also see this hack in action on Tik Tok under @ alplunket

Have fun. For more tips and tricks follow me on IG @ TheDateCoach

Tinder Hack Inbound (Guys Only)
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