5 Things NOT To Say On Your First Date


I heard someone posting a couple of questions about what to ask on your first date, but not many questions on what not to ask on your first date.Keep in mind, I'm no way an expert on dating myself, but I know a thing or two from observing others' downfall. So here goes; 5 things not to say on your first date.

1. "So, do you come here often?"

Unless you guys are at a well known place they picked out, probably best not to ask this of you guys are at some five star restaurant. It comes off as weird.

2. "How many exes have you had?"

Unless you want an emotional session where you end up wiping the other person's tears, a first date isn't the place to be asking questions about one's ex(es). You're here to spend some quality time together, learn a thing or two about each other and see how compatible you are. Not to discuss past mistakes.

3. "How are you still single?"

You might think this may sound like a fair enough question to ask, especially if they're really attractive, but it can backfire on you real fast. Regardless whatever the reason may be for them to be single or how curious you might be to know, if they want to tell you, they will. Sometimes, there are reasons not worth discussing. You can never know how bad their past experienc(es) may be and why they chose to be estranged up until now.

4. "Nice watch/wallet/car/shirt. How much did it cost?"

Please, no. Just no. Unless you want your date to think like you're a massive gold digger, money thrift or simply just obsessed with materialism, probably best to avoid asking them how much their assets cost.

5. "You're not secretly crazy, are you?"

No really, why would you ever ask that? That's like asking for trouble. I won't explain further why this is a bad question to ask. Use your imagination.

And yeah, that's about it. If you guys have any other questions to add of your own, feel free to drop 'em below. I'll be reading every single opinion and giving my reactions. Let's get a discussion started.

5 Things NOT To Say On Your First Date
5 Things NOT To Say On Your First Date
14 Opinion