Lets face it, no reply is a reply in itself?

I asked her out. She replied super excited with a decent reply. This was late at night so I left it. The next morning, I replied in agreement and then asked her if she was heading into class on the weekend (as we have an exam coming up).

I never recieved a reply eventhough she 'saw' the message.

Now I had no intentions to ask her out this way. I normally do it face-face and get a phone number while at it. This girl had been throwing herself at me for a week. I actually quite liked her. Then my friends caught wiff of it and egged me on after some liquid courage.

Now I am in a conundrum. I feel the no reply was to let me know she was not actually interested. But I did ask her out and we are part of a large extended social circle so then am I suppose to ask her out due to the fact I will still see her and I don't want to come across as a jerk?
Yep, she only entertained the thought to be nice
No, take a punt, shoot her a message after exams
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Lets face it, no reply is a reply in itself?
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