SO loves visiting strip clubs?

So me and my ex were together almost 3 years. Recently we have been trying to get back together and make things work, and we are basically together without being officially back together if that makes sense. One issue that I'm having a hard time wrestling with is his love for going to strip clubs. I have nothing against strippers. I have nothing against strip clubs if you're a single guy. With that said, I feel like if you're in a committed relationship with someone it's just disrespectful to go if you're SO has issues with it. Personally I do have issues with it. First of all, we had discussed strip clubs before we were both 21 (we'd been dating about a year and a half by then) and for the majority of our relationship he thought strip clubs were stupid and pointless because why go pay to see a naked girl when you have a girlfriend right? Well after he turned 21 his coworkers convinced him to go to one and ever since then he now loves going supposedly for cheap steak and drinks. He knew from day one of our relationship how I felt about strip clubs and relationships. So now especially since we aren't official he is very open about how he loves to go to them and always jokes about needing one's, which makes me more frustrated since he always said he wasn't going to look at the girls. And the other day we kind of started arguing about it and he pretty much said that this is reason he doesn't tell me when he goes and that he refuses to stop going and if it affects our relationship that much to me then I need to move on. So I'm at a loss here at what to do honestly because I hate giving up on a relationship, but I just don't know if I can accept him going to strip clubs whenever he feels like it. Any advice would be much appreciate, thank you.
SO loves visiting strip clubs?
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