Why aren't guys attracted to me?

I'm 25, almost done a masters degree and I have a good job. I've never been in a serious relationship. Despite being complimented on my looks all the time I've NEVER been approached for a real date, not in real life or even on dating websites. I've only ever been propositioned for sex. My friends say it's because I'm intimidating but how can I scare off EVERYONE? Men typically ignore me in favor of my friends. My friends are pretty but I know I'm not a dog compared to them Lol. I'm often fetishized. I'm 5'10, half black and half Asian so I feel like men are always trying to collect me but have no intention of wanting to know me. I always have to do the asking out and it never goes anywhere.

I'm just curious now because I was in two hurtful situations this year. I finally asked out my friend that I've liked since elementary school and everything was going great until he went ghost. It wasn't like he figured out he didn't like me all of a sudden. We've been friends for 20 years. Who knows lol. And then my other close guy friend just got into his first serious relationship. He's the only guy who I've felt actually liked me truly. I always thought that if he was going to date someone it'd be me. Naive, I know.

so what's wrong with me? Lol why am I so intimidating? I'm outgoing, I have a lot of friends, I like to have a good time and I'm very open minded and kind to everyone. I volunteer, I'm active in my community, I'm smart, I'm quite laid back, I dress well and speak properly and I don't take myself too seriously. I know you can't fully grasp my personality without me self-reporting but I like who I am. I try really hard to make myself proud. I have good self esteem because of that. You probably think it's because I'm stuck up but I promise I'm not. I don't just go for conventionally attractive people. I have no physical type and no checklist of traits I want. I simply want someone who respects me and likes me.
Why aren't guys attracted to me?
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