Guys, your opinion of a shy girl with no experience?

So, I'm a 24 year old woman and I've never dated. Virgin, and I haven't even had my first kiss yet.
The most I've ever done with a man is holding a male friend's hand on a scary ride once.
I feel like I've missed my chance.
Men terrify me, for no other reason other than being the opposite sex.
As a teen, I used to have romantic dreams about my crushes. Only to die half way through and for my dream to carry on without me like my existence didn't even matter. This is how I always viewed myself, as an afterthought.
I always felt inferior and so I worked so hard to try and be someone worth while in the eyes of those I loved, only to be abandoned anyway.
My mother was criminal and a drug addict, in and out of prison my whole life. My elder sister left home the second she turned 18 to live on the other side of the country with her online boyfriend. At the time she left, my mom was in prison and her boyfriend decided that having me around just gave her a reason to come back into his home. So I was kicked out at 15 to fend for myself.
There was no time for that awkward teen romance.
And now that my life is stable and I'm ready to try and experience a relationship I'm just not what men want. I don't think.
I'm pretty, not gorgeous, but pretty enough to get the occasional compliment. And guys have asked me out.
My concern is, what would they think once they find out I've got no experience. Guys in my age range expect certain things early on. Or at least early in my opinion. Things that I'm going to need time to get used to, like simply normal affection. I'm not used to physical contact. I crave it and want to be able to give it to someone. But I feel as though no man would be willing to be patient with me and if they at first seem to be, I'm worried that he'll grow to resent me for it.
Guys, your opinion of a shy girl with no experience?
11 Opinion