Cute ❤️
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I don't care
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Cute... as long as they are not so shy that they cannot actually hold down a conversation. Shyness can take a couple of different forms. Some introversion is fine... I'm an introvert myself, so it's easy to relate. Demure behaviour can be appealing for a lot of guys. But shyness can go too far, the person can become almost unresponsive, unable to participate in conversations or in activities or in any of the things needed to move a relationship forward. In those cases, it starts moving past cute and into problematic territory. Like almost anything... moderation is important.
LOVE. Much preferable to a girl who talks non-stop and walks down the street as if she owns it.
I called him just incase
Gotta Love the shy girls that is so adorable of them :p :D ;)
Shi girls are fine however I imagine that it would get tiring over time.
It just makes me talk more lol. Then I start rambling smh
I love shy girls :3 cuz they are much more to explore Hehe n I like adventures.. I am a Taurus n for me shy girls are the best
Charming :) Though it is nice if communication is possible.
Hate them because they are impossible to talk to.
I'm nervous enough already and they just sit there silently like wtf as if this wasn't hard enough already.
Hate em soooooooooo o oo o o oo o oooo ooooooooo much.
I can help them be more outgoing and less shy, but they are alright,
Cute. Especially when they're also really friendly and enjoy what I enjoy. Sometimes, if they're shy enough, I just wanna hug em because they're so adorable. :P
If they don't give hard time the it will be so cute💗
They are cute but if they dont talk on the date they will put me to sleep
Love them.
I will make a shy girl my next and long term girlfriend.
Shy girls annoy me. Makes it harder for me to communicate with them since i'm shy myself -.-
well they need to speak bfore i can give an opinion...
More interesting and I'm kinda shy to
if they are real they are sweet
Too much shyness is hard to deal with.
cute, and respect theirself :)
I prefer assertive and dominant girls ;)
when ur 18 ill let you know
I like them
i love shy girls
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