Is alpha fucks/beta bucks true and is it wrong to refuse to date women who use this strategy?

Just a quick example of what alpha bucks/beta bucks might look like.

When a girl is 18, she might say something along the lines of: "He must be at least 5 inches taller than me so I can wear high heels, he must have a full head of hair, he must have a chiseled jaw etc."

Then when she's 35 and still single, this might change to: "Its okay if he's close to my height and has a receding hairline, and is a bit chubby, he just needs to be loyal and financially stable enough to take care of my kids"

I'm not saying all girls use this strategy but I think its common enough that guys need to pay attention so they dont become the beta.
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Is alpha fucks/beta bucks true and is it wrong to refuse to date women who use this strategy?
13 Opinion