Are you monogamous? Still? Why?

Monogamy, to me, is a painfully outdated conception.
The world has seen multi-person marriages since the dawn of recorded history. Both polygyny and polyandry were practiced in ancient greece. According to the Ethnographic Atlas (1998), of 1,231 societies noted, 588 had frequent polygyny, 453 had occasional polygyny, 186 were monogamous and 4 had polyandry. (Although more recent research suggests polyandry may be more common than previously thought.) _wiki
It's not like the concept is anything new. This is the point where some will examine the transactional nature of ancient marriage and imagine a single, wealthy man surrounded by barefoot concubines feeding him grapes on a golden throne, but I promise you that's hardly the case:
Modern non-monogamy (most commonly referred to as "polyamory" in English) is the umbrella term used to refer to any structure of romantic relationship that exceeds 2 participants.
Under that umbrella there's a whole WORLD of polyamorous relationships: There's the triad (3 equal partners) there's the "open relationship" (an intimate couple who are open sexually, but not romantically) There's "relationship anarchy" (wherein everyone involved in the relationship has a different dynamic) there's the "family unit" (in which 3 or more people are romantically involved as equals. sometimes they have children) and that's barely the tip of the iceberg.

I just wonder why now, in the modern day, with all the information available, people are STILL clinging to monogamy. Even people who ADMIT they'd be happier otherwise refuse to disrupt the cycle they were born into.
I have no reverence for things like tradition, or sexual conservatism. It's no secret that being responsible when you're sexually active will save you from most dangers that come with having multiple partners, especially since polyamorous people aren't usually involved in "hookup culture". It feels like the door is finally opening to a world of romantic freedom. Why not go for it?
Are you monogamous? Still? Why?
Are you monogamous? Still? Why?
Are you monogamous? Still? Why?
Are you monogamous? Still? Why?
68 Opinion