Ladies, in early stages of dating, is it odd to invite a guy to meet your male friend?

I went on 2 dates with a girl. We kissed on the second date. The COVID19 shutdowns happened. We have been having weekly 2 hour phone calls ever since.

She says to me, "Maybe with the nice weather, you can come over this weekend for some responsibly socially distant drinks. :) "

I kind of continue flirting with her about how we might break that and be affectionate. She says, "We might... or I might be too much. I've been told that too."

So I go on flirting and she all of a sudden says:

"It's been a long time. Maybe a video call would be good? Or if you'd be good with a social distancing bbq this weekend with my best buddy, Jason, we can see each other then. haha"

See how she shifted things from it sounded like us being together one one one to all of a sudden having some guy in the mix?

She goes on to explain,

"Jason, I've known for years. We met on tinder and the dating thing didn't work, but we became great friends. I think you'd like him. He's a very fun version of me. haha."

The whole exchange was so confusing. I tell her to get back to me about it later. But somehow I felt that it was all made up bullshit. That there was no event coming up. I knew this Jason guy existed because she had told me about him and how they had originally met on Tinder before (on the first date).

Anyway, the next day, I am planning my weekend trying to choose between which ladies I will hang out with. I ask her if things were a go. She says, "... it's not going to work Saturday. My sister asked that I babysit my niece that evening."

Am I wrong to think this whole thing was odd? Is she shit testing me? Is she just not ready for a situation that could lead to us having sex? Is she trying to friendzone me? Or is she trying to get her male friend to meet me and approve of me?
She is testing you to try to get your reaction
She was honest and probably wanted her male best friend to meet you to see if you were a good guy
She was nervous about sex and used an excuse to get out of that situation
Other... this is super sketch
Other... this is no big deal. Relax
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Ladies, in early stages of dating, is it odd to invite a guy to meet your male friend?
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