Why am I not good enough?

Really sickens me.

I've got 2 older beautiful sisters, and then there's me. My one sister was a model and she gets the most attention. I'm a bigger girl, but slowly working at it. Why can't a guy like me for me? oh that's right, guys want the hot women. And will chase every hot women then will get fucked over then will go after me. I wanna be someone's first choice, is that ever gonna happen? no. You know why? because men only bang big girls and not date them. he will not be satisfied then follow half naked chicks on social media and try to flirt. then tell his friends how ugly I am and how hot my sister is (it's happened before) I've never seen a guy love a fat girl. it doesn't exist. My mom is beautiful and she's constantly stared at also like multiple times by the same guy along with my hot sister. I give up.

if guys could have any hot celebrity that's their dream women, yes they would leave you. it's not rocket science. Let's see how loyal your man would be if a hot celebrity wanted them.

all of them would leave you. 🤣

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This is true right?
Why am I not good enough?
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