My crush lives in the same apartment as me, can I approach her door?

For the past month now I have been getting eyed and flirted by this female tenant in my building whenever we pass eachother (large condominium). she's hinted where she lives and asking a few of her neighbors I found out where her apartment is. And to be fair, she knows where I live; im not trying to be a creep.

We dont run into eachother at all because our schedules dont line up. We dont have much rapport at all, but I was wondering what you think would happen if I knocked on her door one of these days and tried to stir a conversation? It seems impossible to do it by coincidental contact because of how bad our schedules seem. I hope this isn't some bad idea that women would find creepy.

What do girls especially think about this? I need help please!!!
My crush lives in the same apartment as me, can I approach her door?
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