Do you ever get jealous of your person's ex or friends?

I guess the question is a bit misleading. Im in a long distance relationship and I'm not jealous of the exs or friends, themselves. I get jealous of, well lets say their friends for example, girl or guy, I get jealous that they get to see them everyday. That they get to go out and spend time with them.

Additionally, my person has said they want to wait for sex. That they respect me and don't want to just jump into bed with me. (I already know that a lot of people think he is lying and just playing me, so thank you for refraining from those type of comments). Anyway, I get jealous that his exs got to be with him in that way, that they didn't have to wait, that they got to experience things with him that I have yet to experience.

Has anyone else felt this way?
Do you ever get jealous of your person's ex or friends?
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