I’m getting creepy vibes off this guy. Should I go with my gut instinct?

So basically I’ve met this guy off online dating. I was having difficulty with another guy blackmailing me to post my photos online and message all my friends lies about me, so I asked this other guy to help me. He got the guy who was blackmailing me off my case, but since then he’s been really forward with me.

he keeps asking me out but I don’t want to go out with him or date him right now, and he’s constantly messaging me every day. If I don’t reply on Facebook he messages me on WhatsApp or Instagram. He messages me every second of the day and also when I respond to his message he comes online straight away. I’m not interested in him but because he’s done me a huge favour and got the creepy guy off my case, I feel obligated to keep speaking to him, otherwise I feel like he might get angry/aggressive.

are these creepy vibes and should I follow my gut instinct?
I’m getting creepy vibes off this guy. Should I go with my gut instinct?
22 Opinion