Guy friend gives me the creeps, have been ignoring my gut instinct. Is he really creepy?

There is this guy I have met from an art group, and we are "friends" except I have always felt like he is creepy.

At first, he was welcoming. He asked me out right off the bat, I said no, not interested, but let's be friends (he is older). The problem is that he started calling/texting me frequently and acting like we were real friends (eg he'd keep a phone call going for 2-3 hours, ignore my hints to end the call, and act sad when I'd have to hang up). It started to piss me off. Then the inappropriate texts started, calling me sexy and hot/sweet. I tried to just ignore him but he'd get all worried like I was dead in a ditch somewhere, like he's my boyfriend. So, I told him he's making me uncomfortable. He apologized, said he didn't know. I reiterated I only want to be friends. He was like, yes, me too, don't leave the group because of this.

Then Xmas/bday/etc happened, and he gives me gifts. And starts sending me unsolicited books. Which, I'm grateful but feel guilty (I never gave him stuff) and suspicious. He also mails one book to me, and it wierds me out (I think I texted him my address for a car pool once, but I'm surprised he kept it safe). He also makes a point of always hugging me goodbye. And he always wards other guys in the group from me or competes with them and acts mopey when I talk to someone else.

Lately, I've stopped going to the art group, but he has continued to communicate via texts and wants to talk on the phone every two weeks. I have talked to him on the phone, and he pesters me to come back. He writes longgg emails to me with condescending advice and he attempts to influence my career decisions, which I don't appreciate. His word choice is CREEPY too.

I feel like I've ignored red flags, but each flag is debatable. He has been supportive, but has a made up idea of who I am. What should I do? How do I politely make him go away? I want to block his number but maybe I should tell him? But his persistence worries me.
He is creepy
He just doesn't know how he comes off
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Guy friend gives me the creeps, have been ignoring my gut instinct. Is he really creepy?
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