Girls, Is it bad to be passive?

Im 27 year old male going on 28 in 2 days and all my life I've kind of been a passive person, never had a girlfriend and also a virgin. I've met girls in my life, but never really asked them out or anything. I ignored it and just forgot about them because I was told to "stop looking". For 8 years I had to focus on myself with work, hobbies and even developing social skills and I've gotten better. But sometimes I wish I could read girls' minds to know what they're thinking. Should you be friends first? Is there a right time to ask someome out? Should you play mind games? This girl I used to know from HS met her boyfriend in college and they never even dated. She moved upstate and ran into him and now they're together like wtf? I'm so used to seeing how it happens in romantic comedies (When Harry met Sally, Pretty Woman, Fifty Shades of Gray, the American Pie movies and even sitcoms). There was a time when I met two girls at a bar and I wasn't expecting this but they invited me over to join their friends because it was a party. Then an 80s song comes on and we all danced lol. One of the girls I took a liking to but I left without ever seeing her again. I didn't really do anything. As they say "let life happen", which causes me to be passive. I feel like I'm just watching myself age here. Its when people say to let things happen naturally, it just sounds like to watch the days go by and that's why I never ask a girl out or even to just hang, because that's probably the opposite of letting things happen. Seriously, what else is that supposed to mean? No wonder I'm living in groundhog day, doing the exact same thing over and over again. I might as well stare at a wall 24/7 while listening to Radiohead. How did you meet your boyfriend? Did you just stand around and look pretty? Also is there such a thing as a friend zone? Sorry for the long post by the way.
Girls, Is it bad to be passive?
2 Opinion