Does he want to date me? Or is this just a platonic relationship? Can I have your honest take on this? Should I take the initiative for a 3rd date?

There’s this guy at work who I think likes me. He does friendly-flirty banter with me, tries to touch me, non-sexually, tries to be around me at work, has complimented me, walked me to my car, stares at me. He asked me out and we went on 2 dates so far. But during our second date, I started to question if he wants to date me because he did not make a pass at me, no holding hands, no kissing, no cuddling, when we went to the cinema for our second date. We talked quietly during the previews and 2 hours after the movie. While we were talking he would say I hope I get to see you at work, and said we could get dinner after work for dinner. We were going to meet up in our days off but we are both have corporate project deadlines those days and can’t. I think he was a bit nervous during our date because he kept fixing his hair even during the movie and kept fidgeting around and licking his lips. He’s a bit awkward and kinda shy maybe a bit introverted or anxiety driven so that may be why he’s was so nervous but since he didn’t make a pass I am still questioning if he wants to date me or if there will be a 3rd date.
Also, once we were parting ways for the night he gave me a tight hug like I can feel his muscles on my body hug but I am still unsure his intentions/feelings. Any help would be great.
Does he want to date me? Or is this just a platonic relationship? Can I have your honest take on this? Should I take the initiative for a 3rd date?
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