Coffee Question? Girls I’m confused lol?

I’ve been working out at the gym for sometime and I always noticed this pretty girl that works out there. I never really paid attention to her until she made eye contact with me and we were doing that A LOT for sometime throughout weeks. I hate bothering women in the gym so last week I was training a friend and I went up to her and asked if I could use the machine she was using she said yea and smiled (she was a little awkward lol) but after I finished trained him I went outside and there she was, I struck up a semi awkward convo but give her my ig and we asked each other where we lived. The energy I had with her was similar to when I met my ex girlfriend, very weird.

Anyway she always watches my stories and by the next time I saw her, we chatted briefly cause we were done at the gym and i gave her my phone and she put her number in. We agreed to getting coffee and chatting (I don’t consider this a date but more getting to know them) and by the next day I texted her (in a funny and teasing way) to set it up for next weekend because I was busy this week and that I look forward to just chatting. She texts me back laughing and makes a joke about herself then says that she is busy that weekend and the next three/four weekends after that because she won’t be home and she has a ton going on but she’ll let me know if her weekend frees up.

I poked fun of her back and said sounds good :)

Anyway, I’ve dated women for a long time now and I know that when she says she’ll let you know that means she isn’t interested but I’m confused I’m just trying to get to know the girl before I even consider dating her and I thought she was interested lol. She watches all my ig stories still lol but what does that response to the coffee text mean?
Coffee Question? Girls I’m confused lol?
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