Not sure what to do?

I have a fuck buddy who I see on rare occasions. We've known one another for 3 years, and this is the second time we've done this arrangement. We used to meet once or twice a week, but recently its even more sparce. We both work busy jobs and are finding it hard to truly make time.

I developed feelings of jealousy around the idea of him doing stuff with other people.
I told him this and apologised about it, I obviously have began to care a lot more then I let on. He was accepting of this and didn't make me feel bad about it.
I told him I started to like him, and when I asked him, he said he felt the same.
He asked what do we do now and my response was, I like how things are and dont want anything to change. He agreed.
My issue is, how do I know if he is just keeping me happy by going along?

He already told me, if he didn't want to continue, he would just say.
He also tells me that he keeps meeting up, because the sex is so good and he enjoys my company. When I mentioned a relationship, he said his mental health was bad atm, and that he had given up on the idea. He told me about how his sisters are both getting divorced, how messy it seems and that he has had bad experiences in his past.
Besides all that, he also doesn't have enough time to give me the attention I need, this was something he said himself.

So what shall I do now?
I basically dont date anyone else. I have closed off from the idea because I just dont have any feelings towards anyone else, an dont think anything will develop if I try
Not sure what to do?
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