My boyfriend started taking a while to reply to texts or return my calls but when we get together he's attentive and sweet. He used to reply to most texts and call me sometimes first but I am the one calling him and arranging meetings. I love him a lot and I know that he loves me in his own way. When we discussed it he told me I'm overthinking it and I dont even contact him that much as I think and to not let my insecurities get the best out of me. I used to text him random things like "I love you" or "you are awesome" and he used to reply. I noticed that this happened the week he said he was playing for tournament in a video game with a heavy prize. I do text him still random shit but I no longer feel rejected or neglected as I used to cause I've gotten more comfortable with him and I lowered my expectations. Half of my friends tell me to drop him and half think we are in the awkward stage but can get through it and one friend told me that he seems a nice guy and to think of the good moments we share when on dates and how amazingly we vibe when I start to freak out. I could say he's absent minded but he used to reply back so i am not sure if this is due to video games and temporary or he feels comfortable to not always reply. This is my first relationship. I already talked to him about my anxiety and insecurities and how easy is for me to think of the worst when I don't hear from him but he told me that I shouldn't be worrying over getting a response as a definitive factor to assess if he loves me or not. I really don't feel that I could discuss this again maybe when the timing is better I can ask of his expectations of keeping in touch when we don't see each other.
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