Boyfriend insists on keeping the fan on at night and I hate it?

My boyfriend (of 8 years) keeps the fan on every night and I’ve never complained. However, lately I’ve gotten tired of freezing every fall/winter. I have a disease that prevents me from regulating my body temperature, so I am especially sensitive to cold. There is an air conditioner on his side of the bed he could run the fan on without bothering me, but he won’t. He also insists that we sleep on top of the sheets/comforter with a single mexican blanket covering us.

I just turned off the ceiling fan and now he’s legitimately angry. He claims there’s no air circulating, even though I cracked the window. I mentioned the air conditioning fan option and he’s still mad. Every time I try to talk about anything, he tries to start a fight about the fan. I honestly think it’s ridiculous to run it when freezing outside anyways. He even complained all through the night about being cold himself. It seems like he just doesn’t want to take my comfort into consideration at all. Am I being ridiculous? Thoughts? Thanks in advance!
No, you’re not being ridiculous
Yes, you are
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Boyfriend insists on keeping the fan on at night and I hate it?
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