You need a higher salary either way for that
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It's only enough to find and keep a GOOD girlfriend. If you are looking for a bad girlfriend, it might cost you a bit more to get on the radar of a materialistic woman, or the type of woman who wants to use you for her own personal gain, colloquially known as a "gold digger" suggest for a happy medium in compensation and romantic entanglements, you obtain an income between $75,000-$120,000/year. That's more than enough to be happy yourself, to give nice gifts and do fun things, but not so much that it will draw the attention of leeches.
yes it's enough. Mostly I think MOST women are okay with a guy who just does his job honest. They'll probably want him bringing in 35-40K a year at a minimum. College educated women might be more picky and there seems to be a trend of them being the least likely to find a husband. This isn't so much a matter of women being educated so much as educated women wanting a "man on their level". I don't agree with the premise. To me you dont go to school for something to make lots of money. You go into a field you like and if it pays lots that should be a bonus but not the primary focus. Of course I'm sure many people would disagree. I'm sorry but all the money in the world won't make that job suck any less if you dont like it. And I think you are far richer with a higher quality of life (happiness/contentment) then having more money. Just my opinion...
guys really get it wrong, girls dont care about money as much as they think (exceptions are golddigers). Its just important that you are capabale, hardworking and can provide safety and stability in her life. Its unrealistic to expect a man of eg. 30 years old that he managed to get a job and become like director and earn enough to buy apartement/house and a expensive car. Also when it comes to dating there are so many more factors involved much more important than how much you earn.
As someone else said before, someone that only cares about your bank doesn’t live you and will most like want to branch off to a better bank if possible.
What you want to look for is a women that values financial responsibility and independence. She will also care about finance but the focus will be about growth in finance Not in how to consume yours.
How much you earn isn't the way to find and keep a woman happy.. Not a good woman anyways...
For dating and early relationships, then income does not hugely come into it.
you both ideally need to be similar areas of cash flow or accept that one earns more than the other.
As soon as cash becomes a requirement for dating someone, then move on as it’s not worth the hassle.
i dated at school without a job or any cash, I dated on a really crap training wage when first joined Air Force, etc , etc.
People seem to get hung up on Worldly goods and not the person, it’s about love, about being happy, compatible, fun and enjoyment.
@ChrisMaster69 This. 💕💕💕
Will 100K make a girlfriend happy? Or maybe $200K? I cleared almost 880K last year, do you think my income will make a girl happy? What about Jeff Bezos income? If a man is making enough to live a decent middle-class lifestyle and both of you are satisfied what does the income mean as it relates to being happy. Let me give EVERYBODY reading this comment a warning! Right now women are Monkey Branching like there is no tomorrow! These women are "just" settling for 50K! Then when that 100K guy comes along and gives them the eye oops it's time to be like Tarzan and start swinging! This BS is why I am single today! Sorry, I know this question was designed to be innocent! However, it is a really touchy subject to me! Money does NOT buy happiness. It never has and it never will! Stop looking for that well to do mate and be happy with your life!
@bean2k21 I am semi-retired from Georgia Power. I made this change when I was 58. I can't get too detailed and maintain my privacy, but I work with designing and building electrical substations and transmission systems worldwide. It's tough work that also requires a lot of travel. It's also been tough dealing with this pandemic. I am both an Electrical and Mechanical Engineer by education and honestly do more Systems Engineering now.
Yeah, no. Tell that to the rich people, who are happy.
Who do you know, that is rich AND happy? You may say none and that does not prove your point.
People assume rich = peace/ happy. Troubles and problems are endless.. Life can change overnight too. People do fail and lose money some go crazy and some raise up again. However , I have realized poor people are the happiest. Especially those who have always been constantly poor no ups and downs are constantly happy. Even though money isn’t everything if OP makes 50k doesn’t hurt him to try and push himself to make more if he can but not to satisfy his girlfriend but to prove it to himself. Again this has to be felt too. If he doesn’t have such goals and spirit than he won’t achieve that.
If someone is happy with 50k then In a way they are rich.
Find a good women and if possible don’t mention your $.
I'm going to direct you BACK to that statement and have you read it again, here I will help you in quotes"Money does NOT buy happiness. It never has and it never will!" I never said wealthy people are not happy. I said money does not buy happiness! When wealthy people are happy and I know many that at least on the outside seem to be, it's because they are happy. I drive a car whose sticker was six figures. I live in a large comfortable apartment. I am single and I feel like I am happy. My happiness does NOT come from my money! It comes from within because I give back my time and have a very rewarding career. I am also a mentor! IE big brother!
There's 2 levels of happiness with women.. there's CASUAL happiness and SERIOUS happiness. She could be happy to be in casual for you if you barely made enough to live on. She ain't going to be happy in serious with you in a situation where she will have less than her friends/relatives/classmates over say a 5+ year timeframe. So it's relative. I guess if you live in the middle of nowhere where $50k is practically rich it;s different than if you live in a city with millions of people. And before women claim otherwise: look, the few women who genuinely want that and aren't major mental cases themselves are already taken. The vast majority of women want to marry/move up the social-economic ladder. Not have romantic nights at the homeless shelter over a can of beans.
For richer, for poorer.
You shouldn’t worry about whether your financial status should make someone happy in a relationship with you! Don’t lower yourself to essentially buying someone’s love.
Hypothetically- if you lost your job for some reason, do you want a partner that loves you who you are, or a partner that enjoys the financial situation?
You may not always have control over your finance situation, but you will always have control over being a good person and a good boyfriend/husband.
So the question should be, am I in the position to emotionally invest in a relationship and be the best version of myself.
Bruh. If she has a minimum salary requirement then you probably shouldn't date her.
Men, you are not banks for broke women.
THAT put a grin on my face 😁💓
Depends 100% on the girlfriend. Some people are impossible to please other you don't need anything to please. You should ask is 50k more than enough to make you happy? Because you need to have your own base covered and have enough to cover some relationship extras.
I said no.. Because it depends where you live, but even then. the standard of living and inflation is so much higher these days. $50k today won't buy you the same stuff as $50k from 20 years ago.
Can you afford your own apartment or house? Maybe in the midwest in the U. S. But not any big cities in California, Florida, NY, Texas, etc.
Well, a real woman isn't going to let the amount of money you make determine whether or not she is happy.
If you're talking about gold diggers, I've known women who would not be happy with 10 times that, and I'm known women that were happy with a meal at McDonalds and a bottle of cheap wine.
If you are going to rent a girlfriend, that should be more than enough. If money is not her main motivation, then you need whatever income is needed to live without financial issues in your area. That is going to really depend on location. There is probably a place where that sort of income would justifiably create tension.
Depends on where you live and how you spend your money. Women want stable men, so take care of your bills and your obligations before you spend it on other things... including me. I'd rather spend a date night doing fun things for free, then stressing about where he's going to get the money for his electric or water bill.
Yeah sure you can surely keep you girlfriend happy if she is behind you for your money in this case because one who isn't a gold digger and loves you truly won't care about money but about your happiness. You will find and keep happy to girl who just love your money not you.
Well to be honest with you it has nothing to do with 50K re-read your question and then ask it again but in a different way you can't buy love and you have to love yourself first I know you were trying to say you just need to say it the right way that's the first step
The amount shouldn't matter, unless by girlfriend you mean being like a sugar daddy, then that isn't nearly enough.
For true long term, marriage. You need to be stable, if that is enough in your area to be stable and not have to wonder about if you'll be able to buy food, or make rent/mortgage payments this month. You get the idea, if your stable and have a little extra that should be enough. Women just want to love and be loved and not be living on the street with you.
If that's her allowance to spend any way she wants, you can probably find a girl willing to accept that.
If that's your salary, and you plan to live with and support the girl, your selection of girls who would accept that is gonna be quite small.
the right person yes, someone who needs to have the latest newest everything, keeping up with what her friends or others have, then no.
But then I don't think there is enough money for that.
Money does not buy happiness, but it can make life less of a struggle.
My mom and dad had $12.50 and a half a tank of gas when they got married, and made 50 years together before my mom passed.
I’m sorry you got to ask this question
I’m giving you a virtual hug dear!!
Find a girl who loves you they exist.. a girl who takes care of you if you are sick , if you get fired from your job.. if you can’t find her don’t settle for anyone else ever.
To answer your question yes it’s good enough to keep a girlfriend happy and be comfortable.
Awww, such compassion! Thank you hunny 🤗🤗🤗 hugs for you too.
You are one nice pink anon.
Listen carefully dude! You do not earn money to make your "girlfriend". Stay away from golddiggers and thots! That money you earn is for YOURSELF, because YOU worked for it. You are no women's walking wallet. Unless you are married and have kids where she is a stay at home mother, there is absolutely NO NEED to give her your well earned money.
So my ex is a filthy gold digger. Glad she removed herself.
Good you left. If you want a girl which you need to give money to be happy, get an escort
A courtesan is a good choice! I like those.
There you get also what you want. A golddigger is like having a terribly rated escort who rips you off
That's right!
That would depend on your expenses. Do you pay child support? Do you have a car payment? If we’re talking about $50,000 TAKE HOME, that comes out to $4166 a month. Yeah, if it is just you and another woman, that is definitely enough to keep you both safe and secure. Obviously, she isn’t going to be driving a Rolls Royce, but you can live very comfortable on that amount of money. I’d advise you invest too. Today, you can become a millionaire in a few years with as little as $25,000 to start.
If money is the only thing you think you need to keep a woman satisfied, then you won't be able to keep her happy. - or you just need to find a materialist/golddigger.
The amount of money you earn should have nothing to do with it. And if that’s what makes her happy, you need to find a new girlfriend.
How much money you make shouldn't determine whether or not you can make your woman happy. You can make her happy without money. Unless she’s a gold digger/sugar baby lol.
A sugar baby, you mean. If a girl loves you she won't be interested in your wallet.
Not my ex!!!
Not even close, if you want to date around here you better be in The upper six figures. The only women You'll get at 50k are obese single moms looking for meth money.
Jeff Bezos has a net worth of about $214 billion, maybe more... and his girlfriend hit on Leonardo DiCaprio...
That is plenty to support yourself, a girlfriend, and a couple kids if you spend your money wisely and don't waste it on a huge overpriced house, or a BMW/Yukon, etc.
(Cue sweeping generalisation which is probably offensive to some) Well... council house trash seem to pop out babies fast enough without jobs. Money doesn't seem to be an issue there.
Crap. I was one of those babies growing up penniless. Can you imagine?
Now I'm out of that madness and make my own money.
Probably longs if your personality is half way decent. All i know is the day i have 50k will be the day I have too much money lol.
If I had felt I needed to spend $50k/year on a woman to keep her around, I'd instead choose to put that money in Strip Clubs and prostitution.
Man, a weekend trip to a casino with Champagne, Blackjack and hookers alone is easily $50k! Think about that! :-o
I've got a very well paid job, so when I want to go to expensive places I don't need of a man to pay for it. I look for other qualities in a man, like his kindness, his honesty, his tenderness, his talents
The thing is that $50K is a lot to be paying a girlfriend every year. If you’re seeing her like twice a week, then that’s like $500/date, which is very high. I would pay her maybe $50 per date plus food and lodging expenses.
A decent women isn't interested in your bank account 🙄
I'm going to respectfully disagree with your statement, at least with two people starting the marriage process. There is a phrase in the manosphere "what do you bring to the table?" Now for me, I am not interested in a long-term relationship. If I were to start one I want a brief summary of your income, debt, and financial resources. As I do the same for her. Only a fool goes into a relationship like this acting like Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm!
As long as he buys me Starbucks and food I'll be a happy little chipmunk lol
Guys online call me a gold digger for living off $60,000 😅🤣
Oh shit, my bad. My yearly income is $9,000
Dawww, I never think about money. I’m more about being loved and being beautiful tehe ☺️
Unless you are looking for a sugar baby how much you're making should be one of the least important things.
Nah. Then again, there is no "keeping a woman happy." Not permanently, at least.
if money is what it takes to make her happy then you can have her, I want no part of it. I make more than 50,000.00 a year and if that is what it take she won't get a penny from me. I would give it all away first...
Listen dude, too be honest everyone will say money doesn't matter until it does. And never do shit just to make someone happy. Be a man and do it cause you like it. WTF. And earn a fooking lot. Hope this question is a troll.
If you think like that the only type of girls you going to get are prostitutes or girls who Have been with a lot guys.
she won’t be happy because you don’t have any skills to be a man and to keep her around when the money goes she goes.
What are you looking for? A girl who wants a sugar daddy?
I mean.. just find a girl who doesn't want you for your money and you'll be fine.
Yes and no. It might be a good start. But to women it's not enough to make a good starting wage. You have to keep it pushing or she will leave you for a guy who does. If you got 50k they want 100k. If you got 100k they want 150k etc.
It is, if the girlfriend in question is a decent human being.
If it covers rent/mortgage, bills, food, transport and you have some left over as fun money then you're fine.
It depends where you live. I live in the second most expensive state and a hundred K is about the bare minimum to live.
I'm not clear on why you would want to keep a girl around.
If she's not happy with that then she is not the right one for you.
Marriage is a corrupt institution alongside banking and Real Estate Fraud. It's all tied together,
There is no such thing as love in a communist country. It's pure 100% greed.
If you're having her stick around only for your money you're wasting your time. Find a woman who loves YOU not your wallet.
In the USA, no. Save your money and travel abroad bro
Unless you sign up to be her on demand ATM, I'd say that amount is immaterial.
If your Woman's primary concern is money and not if she likes you there is a tinie tiny problem in priorities dont you think?
If you need money to keep your girlfriend happy, something is clearly wrong with her---and with you for being with her.
Hell no 😂 what kind of question is that? A beautiful fine woman wants a guy with 100 k at the least. You can find an average looking girl with 50 k though. The cuter she is the higher demand
That is utter bullshit
When I was dating my husband he was making maybe 25K a year
That while he was in undergrad. While he was in grad school he didn’t make anything. And when we married I was the sole provider for the first 2 and a half years.
Not in the very least. $50,000 K year nowadays won't get you anywhere in a long time.
You can never keep her happy. She will read a magazine at the beauty shop that tells how lousy her relationship with you is.
lol who hurt you
$50K isn't much here but there are places where it can be a living.
there's no amount that's enough. If you make $500K she'll grow $750K tastes
How much you earn won’t find and keep me that’s a pretty low salary though ……
The national average is like 30k
I know which is even worse. I refuse to accept at the moment anything lower than 60k and that’s still generous I just am still qualified as new in my field. All my ex’s had great jobs as well…..
I agree that it isn't enough.
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