2nd date with online match?

there's this girl I matched with online. We hit it off straight away, talked everyday and the flirt/banter ratio was perfect. The last time I heard from her though was last Sunday. I tried to line up a 2nd date, she wanted to do it the following day (always a good sign) but I mentioned having to move house on Monday and Tuesday and would be free Wednesday onwards so just send me your schedule and we'll get it sorted. She agreed but I haven't heard back since...

I don't want to be needy and over chase her, I've given her the option to come back with times twice but I'm also conscious we talked 7-8 times a day and now we haven't spoken at all. I'm also conscious she deleted her dating profile and she has a busy job so I don't want to over pursue.

How should I manage this moving forward?
2nd date with online match?
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