27F and never brought a guy home to meet my family, red flag?

I can’t help but let this bring my self esteem down. Most people I know my age are seeing someone or if they’re not, they have previous LTRs. The longest I saw a guy was for a few months back when I was 23 and quite frankly, I should have stayed single and a virgin. He had a decent personality but he wasn’t my preference physically and it felt like settling. I know I’m not a 10 but I’m told I’m attractive (not only by family/female friends), you all gave me a good rating for the most part. I just refuse to settle, I only have used dating apps but it’s worked for a lot so that shouldn’t be a deal breaker. How could someone go this long being single? All I can get are the ones that I’m not really into, if they check my boxes physically, they lack in personality or they’re the ones that aren’t into me. Regardless of how this makes me feel, since most women have it very easy, I’d rather be alone than taken and even more miserable.
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27F and never brought a guy home to meet my family, red flag?
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